Saints Row IV

Saints Row IV was officially unveiled in March 2013 and released in North America on 20 August 2013 and worldwide shortly after on 23 August. The game is set five years after the events of Saints Row: The Third. After the Saints stop a terrorist attack by Cyrus Temple on the United States, the Saints leader has been elected president. Soon after, an alien invasion occurs and the earth is overrun. The majority of the game is set in a simulation of Steelport created by the aliens to break the Saints' wills. In this simulation the Saints must fight against the enemy gangs of their past and their own worst fears.

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Tropes used in Saints Row IV include:
  • Actor Allusion: Actor Keith David appears as a character. Some characters instantly notice his resemblance to Julius (who he played), others can't see it even when it's pointed out.
    • Ben King is told the actor who played him in the movie version of his biography "sounds nothing like you". [1]
  • Analogy Backfire:

Zinyak: Look at you... Mercutio to my Tybalt...
Boss: Don't be too excited, Tybalt dies at the end

  • Banned in Australia: Briefly. To avoid this, the offending content, namely the use of drugs in Shaundi's loyalty mission, was basically axed, the mission automatically completes, and the offending content is never shown.[2]
  • Earthshattering Kaboom: Zinyak threatens this will happen to Earth if the Saints try to escape. And he actually does it, to their horror.
  • Idiot Hero: The Boss. While previously favoring very straight-forward action has acquired elements of one to play foil the multiple genius characters in the cast.
  • I Hate Past Me: Saints Row: The Third Shaundi hates Saints Row 2 Shaundi, at least before the loyalty mission.
  • Klingons Love Shakespeare: Zinyak loves a lot of classic Earth culture including the works of Shakespeare and Jane Austen.
  • Lazy Artist: Invoked. Zinyak deliberately ripped off the city design of Steelport for his virtual reality version, but added a bunch of stuff modeled after himself in place of the Saints themed stuff, which annoys the Boss to no end.
  • Same Character but Different: Provides an explanation for Shaundi's massive character change between the second and third game.
  • Shallow Parody: Some aspects of the game are an obvious yet intentionally shallow ripoff of Mass Effect, particularly the "romance the crew" parts.
  • Sudden Gameplay Change: Some of the rescue missions become a totally different game genre.
    • Matt Miller's mission turns into a visual novel esque adventure.
    • Johnny Gat's is a Streets of Rage Homage to the event of the second game, Only this time you can possibly prevent Aisha's death.
  • Trailers Always Spoil: It was no secret Johnny Gat was coming back.
  1. This is a continuation of one from the third game where Ben King's voice actor from the first game, Michael Clarke Duncan, is said to be playing King in the upcoming movie version of his biography. Unfortunately Duncan passed away during production of the 4th game and needed to be recast.
  2. This is similar to how Fallout 3 would not allow Japanese players to detonate the nuclear bomb in Megaton to avoid the game being banned entirely.
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