< Saints Row (series)

Saints Row (series)/Heartwarming

  • In Saints Row 2, we meet Donnie from the West Side Rollerz again. Apparently even after five years he still misses Lin and mourns her death. He even has a Voxel, Lin's preferred type of car with "in memorial" written on it. Seeing what Boss does to him, even if not as horrible as things he/she does, still makes you feel somewhat like a bastard.
  • Still after Gat is sworded s\he visits him in hospital, and shows genuine anger throughout the Ronin missions after what happen. Given the character it's quite touching.

Gat: "So the bastard's dead?"
Boss: "I cut him up myself. How are you feeling?"
Gat: "She's dead. You really gotta ask? Funeral?"
Boss: "We're waiting for you. How are you holding up?"
Gat: "Doc says I'll be up to murdering in a couple of days." Boss chuckles at this. "Well he didn't say murderin but you get the idea."

  • The moment The Boss catches Shaundi after they fall out of a plane in the second mission of Saint's Row: The Third. He calls her his girl.
    • Same scene, similar sentiment.

Shaundi: You're a fucking asshole!
Boss: Yes but I'm your asshole.

  • In SRTT when Boss and Pierce are driving around Steelport singing "What I Got", after reminiscing about the recently deceased Johnny Gat.
    • What makes this better is in the second game Boss would always go after Pierce over his music, never failed. Here, s\he just rolls with it and combines CMOH with Crowning Moment of Funny.
    • This troper picked up the game, and when he got to this point, Boss and Pierce were still singing along to the song when he had gotten to their destination, so he just stopped the car and didn't leave it until they had finished their song.
  • In the third game, at one point you have the choice of killing the man who ruined Gat's funeral, or saving Shaundi. A difficult descision, but what makes saving Shaundi even more heartwarming is that "I Need a Hero" starts blaring. It didn't take me long to decide who to save.
  • One of the biggest problems I had about the third game was the Boss not showing any emotion about Gat's death. But, it makes the scene when you meet up with Viola, and the Boss suddenly bursts 'Gat's dead because of you!' as the first time he acts how you want him to.
    • What makes it even more Heartwarming is the Fridge Logic: Boss didn't hide his anger cause he's an ass.. he did it to show he's still a focused leader.. which, let's face it, Gat would probably prefer have happen.
  • Killbane willing to accept Matt Millars resignation and even offering to be a reference.
  • At the end of the "serious ending" in SRTT, the Saints walk out of the studio after declaring Steelport a sovereign state under their rule and the Boss offers Pierce up a position of power as Mayor. It really hits you there when you consider what the poor guy's been through since SR2.
  • A small one, but I think it's kind of endearing whenever Generic Female Voice-Boss in SRTT calls someone "sweetie".
  • Potential conversation if you have Kinzie and Viola rolling with you as homies:

Kinzie: I like your hair.
Viola: What.

Kinzie: It's nice and shiny.

Viola: If you washed your hair, it could be shiny too.

Kinzie: Could you show me how?

Viola: Uh... sure?

Kinzie: We're like sisters now.

  • In a somewhat perverse way how Shaundi has gone into a rage over Gat's death is touching. She's ditched smoking, she's ditched the merchandise driven way the Saints had become, she's ditched her love match TV show, for revenge.
  • Each and every time you revive a fallen homie. In SR1 and 2, this was just pouring some beer onto them, and they'd get back up. In SRTT, the Boss bends over, and helps the injured Saint back onto their feet. Even with the giant Oleg, the Boss will put the big man's arm around his shoulders, and help him back up.
    • I heard at least one time comments from the Boss when they fall\s\he helps them back up, which further backs up s\he has slid from a uncaring psychopath to a extreme Anti-Hero.
  • A subtle one occurs when Boss and Pierce enter Kinzie's Inner Sanctum: Pierce spies a picture of the late Lin on a wall, and immediately grabs it and hides it before Boss can see. Even with all the insults, jabs and lack of respect Pierce gets, he still looks out for his caveman/woman lug of a Boss.
  • Gangsters in Space. In the mission Nyteblade's Return it's revealed Gat sold his likeness to make the comic and Boss calls Legal Lee to put a stop to it. Before the final mission s\he is dead opposed to the idea of a movie, much preferring to go back to the old psychpathic ways. In the good ending the Saints just roll with it and make the movie, honoring Gat's memory and actions in getting into the comic business.
  • During the mission "3 Count Beat Down", you're going along with Angel as he gets his luchador mask back. He knows where it is, perplexing the Boss, and leading to this (paraphrased) exchange:

Boss: If you knew where Killbane was keeping your mask, why didn't you come for it?
Angel: He broke my spirit. I no longer felt worthy of it.
Boss: What changed?
Angel: Meeting the Saints.

    • The Saints, through having faith in his abilities and knowledge of the Luchadores, and being willing to allow him to lead their operations against them, gave Angel the psychological boost he needed to reclaim his life after his public humiliation at Killbane's hands.
  • After raiding the armory Shaundi is prepared to go after Loren, not caring that the Saints are not prepared to do so. Boss reassures her that they will take care of it and talks her down.
  • Boss trying to help Jenny keep her spirits up and be more confident in the face the dog kickingly Jerkass of a director during the Gangstas in space DLC, though by the end it has Gone Horribly Right and she gets her revenge.

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