Saints Row: The Third/Awesome

  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Of course, the multiple radio stations allow for many serendipitous moment, but the "rescue the crew" ending really takes the cake with "I Need A Hero" playing in the background.
    • Klassic FM has an almost uncanny habit of launching into Ride of the Valkyries whenever switched to when flying helicopters and VTOL.
  • The first time the Saints meet the Syndicate, Phillipe Loren offers the Saints a deal to leave them alone so long as the Syndicate gets a sizable cut of their profits. Johnny Gat's response is to SNAP the handcuffs pinning him to a chair so he can kick Loren's ass.
    • Loren gets a little awesome at the same time, because even though Gat does ram his face through an airplane window, he gets a a knife to the gut in the exchange.
    • The second part of the mission is basically the Boss being Crazy Awesome. They jump out of plane, freefall thousands of feet dodging falling crates and vehicles and killing off Syndicate goons on the way down to save Shaundi. It only get more insane when the Boss decides temporarily toss Shaundi aside so they can rescue Gat too, kicks their way back through the plane cockpit to get him, doesn't find him, but manages to grab a goon in mid fall back out of the plane, uses him as a human shield as they shoot the ever loving hell out of every Syndicate goon still in the plane, then after getting the parachute off their human shield resumes freefall, then kills more goons in freefall while still dodging tons of falling cars, then regrabs Shaundi out of midair.
      • And the finale of the mission is more awesome for Phillipe Loren and the Syndicate in general, as Philippe is pissed, and orders his subordinates to make the Saints lives as they arrive in Steelport hell by draining all their bank accounts, and as The Boss punches the cash machine in rage upon finding this out, Loren calls their cell phone to gloat over how Gat is gone and they will be next.
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