< Saint Seiya

Saint Seiya/Tear Jerker

If you don't want to hug him when he's like this...

  • Cassius' death in the Sanctuary arc. Seiya might be The Scrappy of the series, but even then you bawl with him when he calls Cassius his friend (despite the other hating him, only pulling his Heroic Sacrifice for Shaina and telling Seiya so before he dies) and tearfully begs him not to die. And in the anime, it's made even worse when Shaina finds out what happens from Aiolia (Cassius's Brainwashed and Crazy murderer, who heavily regrets what he has done even when it's not completely his fault)... and she bawls too.
  • Same goes when Shiryu gouges his own eyes out to defeat Algol (whose weapon, the Medusa shield, petrifies you on sight and save the petrified Seiya and Shun, and they both bawl when they realize what happened. Made worse in the anime, when at the end of the episode, they're told that the doctors couldn't save Shiryu's sight, and Seiya screams in utter despair as he falls into an Heroic BSOD.
    • Shiryu VS Algol Perseus, oh my. Shiryu blinds himself so that Perseus's stoning power does not work against him. As he's being curb-stomped by Perseus, suddenly Shiryu, for a fleeting moment, can see his enemy's silhouette... being framed by a glowing statue of Athena herself. Shiryu cries "My goddess, you have not forsaken me!" and proceeds to DESTROY Perseus. Seiya and Shun are saved, then they break down in tears when they see the sacrifice he made. If you don't break in tears with them, you are made of terser stuff than I, my friend.
  • This is only anime filler, but I sniffle whenever I see the scene where a seriously wounded Ikki is about to let himself die by the hands of Agora and Shiva, Shaka's disciples, but then he feels a small hand touching his own. He opens his eyes and sees that Helen, a Naive Everygirl that his rivals had thrown into a volcano to lure him out, was actually alive and struggling to not fall into the lava pit. While still calling out to Ikki. Touched by this, Ikki gathers his Heroic Resolve, rescues the little girl from danger and fights back, soon earning yet another Crowning Moment of Awesome.
  • Lots of people decry the Ansgard Saga as pure wangsty Filler, but it has many genuinely good tear jerkers. Thor's backstory and his first encounter with Princess Hilda, as well as his Famous Last Words when he aknowledges his loss and begs Seiya to help the Brainwashed and Crazy Hilda return to her senses. Fenrir's backstory as a whole. Freya attempting to make Hagen pull a Heel Face Turn and failing as well as her reaction to his death (even Hyoga cries), Volker's Suicide by Cop at the hands of Mime and Mime's reaction when he finds out the truth about him, Sid and Bud's Cain and Abel backstory as well as Sid telling Bud that he always knew they were Separated at Birth and always loved him, Siegfried's Heroic Sacrifice for his beloved Hilda, Seiya's Heroic BSOD when he thinks he killed her, Hilda recalling her Mind Rape at the hands of the Nibelung Ring as she invokes Odin's power... Fuck, I'm tearing up right now. Hope you're happy. T_T
  • Was no-one else in tears when the twelve best things about Saint Seiya died (again)? I mean, there's a brief Crowning Moment of Heartwarming when Aiolos and Aiolia are reunited and all the Gold Saints are back avec their Cloths...and then they make the unanimous decision to die together for Seiya co. to get to Elysium. I was sobbing.
    • Capricorn Shura's death was, this troper felt, deeply sad. Watch the episode and weep, if only for his commendably tragic Heroic Sacrifice after realising everything he'd ever believed in was a lie.
  • And what about Shaka's Heroic Sacrifice/ Suicide by Saint in Hades?
    • Also, Shaka's Heroic Sacrifice and using the last bit of energy to send a message to Saori. She breaks down in tears. So did I.
  • On that note, Saga's, Camus' and Shura's first Athena's Exclamation--they knew they'd be shunned by the rest of the Saints, but they did it anyway to complete their mission. They resigned their honor as Saints, to do what they had to do. I teared the hell up, man.
  • Sanctuary arc. Seiya and Shiryu. Seiya and Shiryu feel Shun's cosmo explode, and then they realize that Shun has pretty much sacrificed his life to save Hyoga's. They're appalled and almost in tears, and so are the viewers. And even more tearfully, in the anime Hyoga arrives in the middle of the Curb Stomp Battle that Milo is giving them, with Shun's comatose body in his arms, and explains what happened. Then he urges them to get up, go to the next Temple and carry Shun with them, which they do. All my tears, and all the audience's.
    • In regards to the last point... the next Temple? Saggitarius's. The Sagittarius cloth subjects Seiya, Shiryu, Hyoga and the now awake Shun to a Secret Test of Character, and once they pass it, they find Aiolos's last will... one in which he asks all of the Saints of the future to take care of Athena. If you can ignore the way their tears are animated, it's one of the most beautiful and heartbreaking moments ever of the series.
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