< Sailor Sun

Sailor Sun/YMMV

  • Ass Pull - The revealing of Honey's and Brady's origin in Story 7. Some have seen it as quite disappointing and underwhelming compared to the buildup and mystery of the previous three years worth of storyline. It also Jossed nearly every theory about Honey up to that point as well.
    • For those who want to know, Bay got drunk in a bar and slept with a random stranger, getting pregnant, but had a Magical Abortion due to an older version of said child being pulled back in time which erased the younger one in her womb. Later on, an even older version of Brady (Honey) was also brought back. Both seem to be unaware of their true origin or that the other exists, and Bay has gone through great lengths to keep it that way.
      • Making it even more odd, the entire thing was an elaborate ploy by Bay's producers to get an authentic actress to play "Chibi-Sun" in the fanfiction. When poverty forced Bay to send Brady away one of the producers kidnapped Honey from another alternate future to take Brady's place.
  • Marty Stu / Mary Sue - Brad / Bay in the original fanfiction (but NOT in the webcomic) starts as a Marty Stu and ends up a Mary Sue due to the gender-bending powers of an Ancient Artifact.
  • Squick - All of the comics where amnesiac-Bay (as 'Brad') is attracted to her own daughter. Honey is just as squicked as the audience.
  • Tear Jerker - When Brady had to leave Bay and Teri, especially the latter.
    • A second one later, when Bay returns to Ottawa and learns her grandfather died while she was "missing".
  • Unnecessary Makeover - Honey (twice, by different means), despite being both very attractive and intelligent, is envious of her mother's figure and beauty. Steve's comment in this comic about her disguised form really doesn't help things much.
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