Sailor Moon: Another Story/YMMV
- Anticlimax Boss: Demon Apsu with Sailor Chibi Moon's party. She's really strong when fighting Sailor Moon, but when fighting Chibi Moon she gets much weaker.
- Game Breaker: Time Stop. Sailor Pluto can use it battle after battle (or with MP-recovery items, several times a battle) and the enemy can do absolutely nothing about it.
- Let's not forget Sailor Saturn, who if equipped correctly, can streamroll enemies her Death Reborn Revolution attack, which also has a tiny cost of MP.
- Uranus and Neptune's combo attack can be led off by Uranus, who (barring Saturn) has the strongest offensive stat in the game, and do ridiculous amounts of damage, while her negligible defense can be covered by Time Stop. An Outer Senshi party is layered with Game Breaker upon Game Breaker.
- Another pretty bad example has to do with Link Up moves in general, in that the same move can be used twice per turn, with the only penalty being MP usage. For example: If it is Moon's turn and you use a Link Up move with Uranus, Uranus can select the same Link Up move with Moon and pull off the move twice that round.
- Let's not forget Sailor Saturn, who if equipped correctly, can streamroll enemies her Death Reborn Revolution attack, which also has a tiny cost of MP.
- The Scrappy: The U-tahime enemies at the North Pole in chapter 4, due to spamming their Fascination spell.
- Toy Ship: Chibi-Usa and Anshar. Though they can go into Star-Crossed Lovers territory, depending on whic team beats the Big Bad.
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