Sacreya's Legacy
Ben Mason is a detective.
He also happens to be undead.
The web serial Sacreya's Legacy, by Samantha Lienhard, begins with its zombie protagonist working in the city of Minstor, which he fled to just before the Zombie Apocalypse broke out in his hometown, Vogan Point. You see, while he returned from the dead with his memories, emotions, and intelligence intact, the same can’t be said for all zombies. In fact, Ben would be perfectly happy staying as far from that nightmare as possible.
Unfortunately for him, it’s not that easy.
His new client wants him to go after her sister… and she has gone straight into the heart of Vogan Point. Following after her, Ben finds that there is more to this case than he originally thought—and completing it will be no easy task.
- Big Damn Heroes: James Colby and his officers, at the end.
- Body Horror: After running out of the antidote, Ben has been slowly decaying.
- Clueless Detective: Ben seems to have shades of this. By the end, even he realizes that he failed horribly at the actual detective work.
- Genre Shift: While it might begin like a detective story centered around zombies, the zombie aspect arguably takes over, especially as Ben has some trouble figuring things out.
- Horror Hunger: Ben suffers from this all the time, although he learned to suppress it, with Dr. Sacreya's help. Meat from animals works as a substitute, although he still eats it raw.
- Sasha eventually overcame this as well, although not before spreading the virus.
- Immune to Bullets: Ben considers this to be one of the best parts about being a zombie, even if it isn’t absolute. It’s the reason he didn’t attempt to carry out his dream of fighting crime until after his transformation.
- Mad Scientist: Dr. Sacreya is a benevolent example, as he was honestly trying to do a good thing (though there are traces of For Science! in his reasoning, as well).
- Most Writers Are Writers: Before becoming a zombie detective, Ben was a poet.
- Not Quite Dead: Dr. Sacreya isn't dead.
- Neither is their attacker, despite what Sacreya thinks.
- Our Zombies Are Different: Ben (and Sasha) is a mishmash of Type C, Type F, Type P, and Type R. The hordes at Vogan Point fit all except for Type R.
- The Virus: A single zombie escaped into Vogan Point resulted in disaster due to this.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Given the situation in Vogan Point, it's easy to see why Sasha believes all zombies should be destroyed. She doesn't care that Ben can think and reason; she includes him and later herself in this.
- Zombie Apocalypse: Of the local variety. The world isn’t in much danger, due to the quarantine efforts at Vogan Point.