< Sabrina Online

Sabrina Online/YMMV

  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Zig Zag isn't over her history of being abused. She's in heavy denial. See Freudian Excuse on the main page for the rest of the reasoning behind this opinion.
  • Breakout Character/Ensemble Darkhorse: Zig Zag, to the point that the December 2010 group of strips focuses on her--and doesn't feature Sabrina at all.
    • Spotlight-Stealing Squad: This has been going on for quite a while. Zig's introduction threatened to shove Amy and Thomas out of the spotlight and, by the end of 2007, completely eliminated Sabrina's connections with her past chat buddies like Carli. The recent arc is taking this Up to Eleven.
      • Author Appeal: Probably not a surprise to learn that Eric Schwartz has, in the past, drawn his personal character making out with Zig-Zag.
  • Broken Aesop: Zig beats up a guy for flaming her, since he thinks that saying stuff on the Internet should be consequence free. So she goes out of her way to escalate to physical assault and grievous bodily harm to some dick on the Internet. Also, she's a porn producer, which makes her part of an industry which relies heavily on the idea of free speech. As for "consequences", she walks away scot-free after committing premeditated assault.
  • Canon Sue: Some feel that Zig Zag has become one.
  • Complete Monster: If Tina's implications are true, then Zig Zag's father definitely counts as one.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: During the buzz for the 2007 Transformers movie, one of the girls in the studio calls the film Transmorfers instead. It's unknown if Schwartz deliberately put in the wrong word or not, but in any event...
    • Given Sabrina's reaction, it's likely intentional.
  • Periphery Demographic: Despite having a deep-seated dislike of furries, there are some Transformers fans who read it for the sideplots involving Sabrina's living Transformers toys.
  • Squick: Studio janitor Darke Katt describes her job as more or less this...

Richard: So what kind of stuff do you have to clean?
Darke: If you haven't figured it out already, you really don't wanna know!

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