
Sometimes, he will have some tropes that Your Mileage May Vary on. This is the place for those.

  • Archive Panic: Over 6,000 videos with more uploading each day? Good luck with keeping up with his uploads.
    • 5-20 uploads per day! I don't think anything else needs to be said.
  • Double Standard: Tends to treat his in-game characters this way. He refers to female characters as "bitches" without a second thought and sometimes, tells females to stay in the kitchen. While males tend to be ignored. It's hard to tell when he's joking and when he isn't, though.
  • Troll: Not him, but one of his pictures of Trollax.
    • It's easy to tell which videos Seamus is indulging in this himself when he's filming himself, the Snorlax will be upside down. For videos he's taking seriously, the Snorlax will be right-side up.
    • In fact, one of his vlog videos, titled "I Don't Wear The Same Shirt Every Day" had him with five different shirts of the same design. It would seem like its one of these, but a quick pan over his stuff that he got revealed Snorlax was right-side up, meaning the video was serious.
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