SLC Punk!

SLC Punk! was a movie made in 1998, mostly about punks in Salt Lake City. Particularly, Stevo, who has recently graduated from college. As the movie progresses, he begins to realize all his friends are starting to grow out of their partying, fighting ways, and eventually figures out that he's growing tired of this lifestyle, which he notes at times seems contradictory.

Tropes used in SLC Punk! include:
  • Abusive Parents: Bob's father is an insane alcoholic. Enough said.
  • Adults Are Useless: Anyone above college age is portrayed as either rednecks, or, well... Mark.
    • Or Bob's dad. Stevo's parents are also fairly passive through the whole movie and don't do much about their son being a punk, who's wasting his life.
  • Alcoholic Parent: As mentioned above, Bob's father.
  • Afraid of Needles: Poor Bob has a freak out at the hospital. Also one of the reasons why "Heroin" Bob is his Ironic Nickname.
  • Ax Crazy: Mark. Don't take his stuff. Or be in the general area when he thinks so. Actually, just don't go by Mark.
    • Or Bob's dad for that matter. Both have guns.
  • Badass Normal: Mike. A skinny, geeky guy who can beat up a guy twice as big as him and needs a whole police squad to hold him down when he's drunk.
  • Berserk Button: Mike goes ballistic when he sees his friend Bob being beaten. Also, NEVER STEAL Mark's stuff!
    • When Stevo sees his girlfriend sleeping with that other guy, he flies off the deep end.
  • The Charmer: It's stated that Eddie is a ladies' man.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Heroin Bob's father. Arguably, Heroin Bob himself.
    • Also, most of Stevo and Bob's friends appear to be more or less like this.
  • Coming of Age Story: Stevo being the protagonist of this story.
    • For some of the other punks as well, such as Mike.
  • Death by Irony: Heroin Bob, the man who never did a drug in his life, dies from a drug overdose.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Marshall Eriksen is the most hardcore punk in Salt Lake City, and he often hangs out with Roger Davis and Stuart.
  • Hold My Glasses: Mike does this before walking through a mosh pit to keep a friend of his from being beaten by two bouncers.
  • Ironic Nickname: "Heroin" Bob. Needles scare him to death and mentioning drugs just makes him rant how bad they are for you.
  • Ivy League for Everyone: Stevo's dad sends an application to Harvard for the kid. It is apparently common knowledge between them that Stevo cheated to get through his classes at the community college. Did we mention that it seems all his dad did was sign Stevo's name on an application? Anyway, Stevo is accepted.
    • He attended the University of Utah and it was said in his monolog that he actually studied hard for all his exams. Since he actually made the grades and most parents end up doing most of the college application process for people his age, it wasn't much of an inversion from real life that he got into Harvard Law.
  • Mushroom Samba: Tends to happen to a lot of characters. Most memorable are the scenes with Sean and Stevo.
  • Mistaken for Gay: Eddie. He doesn't mind though.
  • Neo-Nazi Punk Hunter: The main characters have such a distaste for Neo-Nazi punks that they actively go out to find them and beat them up.
  • Nerd Glasses: Mike wears those. He's also the toughest punk you'll see in this movie.
  • Please Wake Up Stevo has one of these moments when Heroin Bob dies.

Stevo: Now what am I gonna do for a friend? You're my only friend! Please wake up now! Please, I'm sorry!

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