< SF Debris

SF Debris/WMG

When Chuck gets around to reviewing "Victory of the Daleks," he will include a Linkara Shout-Out...

...by playing "Go, Go, Power Rangers" when the new, multicolored Dalek designs appear. This would reference both the new design's Fan Nickname and Linkara's SF Debris-inspired History of the Power Rangers reviews.

The secret review 27 september will be a Mass Effect Review

In his latest podcast on Moonhawk Studios he admited on doing a videogame review (though not as a game but as a work of science fiction). This will be a review on Mass Effect. This will work due to it's storydriven nature (with actions and consequenses) and the deep and expansive universe which plays on his strenghts as a reviewer. Also he has had several Mass Effects references in his reviews so he is obviously a fan of the games.

    • Hopefully it will be a retrospective of the Original Trek series, which debuted 45 years ago this september. Also TNG premièred 24 years ago on the 28th of September, and the immediately preceding video is the last original Trek movie. It would be the perfect time to do a retrospective of TOS and the original movie series.
    • Mass Effect: confirmed.
    • This one had thought that the review was going to be MLP: Friendship is Magic, for some reason. And now Chuck is actually doing the review of it.

"Code of Honor" will get the "0" for Star Trek: The Next Generation

This first-season episode, which features a strife-filled world populated solely by black people, has been referred to by Chuck as being an utter disgrace to the entire series several times in the past.

  • More likely with the revelation that it will be the 2011 Christmas Review. Why would an ordinary TNG episode be the big Christmas Review unless it were meaningful in some other way? And, of course, the 2010 Christmas Review was "A Night In Sickbay", another "0" episode.
  • Confirmed

The secret review on September 27th will be the updated review of "Unexpected"

The secret review is listed as "surprised". So maybe it will be an Unexpected suprise.

The secret review on September 27th will be of the of the "original trilogy".

While he said he wouldn't do episodes I-III, he never said anything about the originals.

Chuck is doing MLP because someone paid him a large sum of money for it. And the fact that its WTF Week.

Hey it works! And I asked him, hasn't replied but I asked!

  • Potentially, but possibly not. Keep in mind that SF Debris is a father.
  • Confirmed, sort of. He did say it was requested. And remember MLP:FIM has a large adult male audience. Like SF Debris.

The remaining zeroes for TOS, TAS and Deep Space Nine will be The Way to Eden, The Infinite Vulcan and Profit and Lace.

Pure speculation, but these are regarded to be some of the worst episodes of these series...

  • SF Debris hasn't done a review of a Star Trek: The Animated Series episode yet.
    • The door was officially opened to TAS in this video. The speculation for it is premature, but valid.
      • And so it begins... SF Debris is now doing TAS!
  • "Profit and Lace" is de facto confirmed already; in his "Let He Who Is Without Sin..." review, Chuck explicitly says that the only way to go lower than that episode is to "give Quark boobs", which refers to this one.

Chuck will do Profit and Lace for the next christmas episode.

Chuck will end up doing another My Little Pony review at some point.

Although he stated in his MLP review that he was not a watcher of the series, he has recently started putting more references and nods to the series. This could be a hint at a future review or that perhaps he's views about the series has changed from the time of the review and the present.

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