SCAW Superstars of CAW

SCAW: Superstars of CAW is a CAW League (A wrestling federation using a wrestling video game. In SCAW's case, Smack Down vs RAW 2006) produced by Lonestarr022. It uses fictional characters or real life celebrities as wrestlers. The league has been running since 2007, and most action takes place on the weekly show, SCAW Superstar Clash.

SCAW can be found on Lonestarr's official website, YouTube, Blip and Dailymotion pages. The forums are located here.

Tropes used in SCAW Superstars of CAW include:
  • All-American Face: Captain America and Guile. The two of them form a Tag Team called the All Americans. Homer Simpson also qualifies.
  • Alpha Bitch: Avril Lavigne
  • Ambiguously Gay: Everyone believes that Kuwabara is gay, although he denies it.
  • Artistic License Physics: Not really for just SCAW, but the video game Lonestarr uses allows for some crazy stunts to be performed, most notably, Mr. Clean performing a Cleaning Press with no ladder underneath him, essentially jumping off mid-air.
  • Art Shift: Lonestarr switched to Smack Down vs RAW 2007 for a few episodes of Superstar Clash, but decided 06 was better. He has also upgraded his capture cards in the past, allowing for a better quality recording of the TV.
  • Badass Beard: Superman got one when he turned heel.
  • Badass Longcoat: Hellboy
  • Bald of Awesome: Mr. Clean and Jean-Luc Picard.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: This happens quite a bit. Part of Spider-Man's current gimmick is that he does this.
  • Butt Monkey: Nacho seems to serve as this these days.
  • Cheap Heat: Invoked often by SCAW's various heels.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Homer Simpson qualifies, particularly as a face.
  • The Dragon: Optimus Prime to Dr. Doom while in Project Doomsday.
  • Easily-Distracted Referee: The referees of SCAW are utterly incompetent.
  • Expy: SCAW has several.
  • Face Heel Turn: As you would expect of a wrestling federation, this is fairly standard.
  • Finger-Poke of Doom: Classic Joker often poked people in the eye, and Lonestarr would call it this.
  • Foreign Wrestling Heel: The Prince of Persia takes every opportunity to declare his hatred for America. Ichigo Kurosaki has done the same in the past.
  • Friendly Rival: With DWA, a fellow CAW League.
  • In Name Only: A few superstars such as Ichigo Kurosaki, are so different from the original character that they may as well not be the same character at all.
  • Heel Face Turn: As you would expect from a wrestling federation.
  • He's Back: Like in regular wrestling, this tends to happen a lot.
  • Jerkass: Most of the heels. Ichigo Kurosaki is the biggest example.
  • Large Ham: Lonestarr himself can qualify for this, particularly in his voicing of Mr. T. Some such as Dr. Doom stay true to their source material by being particularly wordy and grandiose.
  • Long Runner: SCAW has been produced almost weekly since 2007.
  • Massive Multiplayer Crossover: The entire point of SCAW.
  • Mind Screw: The Joker vs. Joker arc.
  • Won't Work On Me: Happens more often than in real wrestling due to being a video game.
  • Palette Swap: When Spider-Man and Superman turn heel, they change their colors (plus a beard for Superman). War Machine has a few different layers than Iron Man but is otherwise mostly the same.
  • Police Are Useless: Security is never around to break up backstage fights. When the nWo first invaded SCAW, Lonestarr shouted for security to come down to the ring, but of course no such thing happened.
  • Power Stable: The nWo, Animation Evolution, Project Doomsday and the Fearsome Four. Completely averted with the Holy Straight Edge Society, who never once looked like a threat.
    • The Joker's Deck.
  • Running Gag: "MY CHINESE FOOD!"
    • "I'm alive!"
  • Shout-Out: Too many to count.
  • Suspiciously Similar Song: No, Sandman's entrance music is not Metallica, and Lonestarr is sure to remind us of that.
  • Take That: Lonestarr takes several shots at WWE and TNA, as well as various athletes or movies.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Happens occasionally. Ryu Hayabusa was a jobber for a long time, before suddenly winning the Zero-One Title and ended up holding it for longer than anyone else.
    • The Gladiator "spent more time on the canvas than Rembrandt" before becoming a 2 time Zero-One champion, 5 time Tag Team champion (more times than anyone) and 2011 Match of Destiny winner.
  • Wham! Episode
    • Spider-Man as the leader of the NWO at Spring Showdown 2008.
    • Santa Claus' Face Heel Turn at Blood, Sweat & Tears II.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?: "Dastardly bastard! He stepped on his foot!"
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