< S4 League

S4 League/Headscratchers

  • Why does everyone call the Counter Sword cheap, but completely ignore the fact that the Storm Bat can knock you against a wall and render you helpless to SMG fire or the Plasma Sword's 2 hit kill? The Counter Sword has the lowest power of the three melee weapons and its shield only works on the Plasma Sword. Considering that no one using a Plasma Sword in their right mind would go within three feet of someone with a Counter Sword, the shield is more or less useless.
    • The Counter Sword as well as the PS can knock you against a wall and render you helpless, however, it is much easier for those two to do so, the Stormbat leaves you in ridiculous delay. Also, the Counter Sword's shield works on all three melee weapons, with the exception of CS heavy uppercut, PS jump attack/stun, and stormbat's jump attack.
      • But that still doesn't change the fact that the Plasma Sword can still kill you in two hits. Its the only melee weapon that can do that.
    • It might, or might not, be something to do with the Counter Sword's jump attack, which goes forward as opposed to directly downwards. It generally makes it easier to rampage at an enemy with it.
    • Because the plasma sword is so commonly used it would be expected that the very weapon designed to counter 2 out of the 3 different attacks the plasma sword provides (hence the 'counter' in counter sword) it would be loathed by most of the player base.
    • (This is from a CS user) Another reason is the ease of use. The Counter Sword is like a basic character to a standard fighting game (Think like Ky Kiske from Guilty Gear). They're easy to pick up but there's a little more to them then what you see. Because people don't really take the time to learn something (The CS combo is easily dealt with if you know what you're doing (which most of the player base DO NOT)), the players see the CS as a cheap weapon with ease of use and high damage output. Simply put (and this might sound a little extreme), most players on S4 are Scrubs when it comes to the CS (which is not overpowered as I have proven to my friends several times (one said 1v1 duels against me have shown him several openings in the CS)).
    • The counter sword isn't cheap, just like the PS, SB and even SR, it has its strenghts and its weaknesses. What's really OP is the Twin Blades, though not that many people complain about that. Then again, this makes sense, since the people who use them are usually the noobs that complain about the CS.
  • Why are pentavision making all guns have limited ammo when the ones are limited are all hated by the fandom? Its almost like penta are going out of thier way to kill the game now.
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