< RuneScape


Vampyres are half-human.

A while back I added this theory to the Phantasy Spelling page, but I took care of that and now I'll put it here. Runescape has both Vampires and Vampyres. Vampires are savage humanoids with disturbingly wide grins, where as Vampyres are much more intelligent and civilized. Not to mention far more powerful. They also have more human faces. Even the Vyrewatch faces are more human than the plain vampires.

I think Vampyres are the result of two things. One, a Vampire gorging itself on human blood; much more than it can digest at once. This results in the blood cells of the human being directly assimilated by the vampire's cells. This triggers the metamorphosis into a vampyre.

The other -and probably the case for most- is humans absorbing vampire blood. When a human is close to death in Meiyerditch, they're either force fed vampire blood or they have it injected into their veins. Magic may be used to allow the human to absorb the blood. This causes the human to transform into a vampyre, as well as develop a vampiric Split Personality.

In both cases, they must continue to drink human blood in order to maintain their powers. If they rely on the blood of any other animal for too long they'll devolve into regular vampires. A vampyre reply in a postbag claimed feeding on humans as opposed to cows was a matter of honor, but this is likely a lie to cover up their actual NEED for humans.

  • You forgot about the Icyene, though. The Icyene are a winged race, similar to angels, and the last known one surviving is in the God Wars Dungeon; Commander Zilyana. There's lots of evidence that Meiyerditch used to be ruled by the Icyene back in the day, before Drakan's forces took over. So when you put two and two together, you may realize that the Vyrewatch were Icyene that have been corrupted by Drakan in some way or another.
    • The Icyene were probably converted the same way as humans; blood drained to near-death and infused with vampire blood.

RuneScape is a virtual reality simulation.

This explains why your character suddenly appears out of nowhere. He/she even knows that he/she is in a computer game! So RuneScape is actually a simulation of fantasy life, created in the distant future.

Guthix is an Ascended Fanboy

Obviously, Saradomin is their equivalent of God, while Zamorak is supposed to be the devil. Who is Guthix, then? He is a fanboy who achieved god status through a God of War-esque killing spree.

  • Guthix has been in Runescape since before either Saradomin, Zamorak, or any other god (or anything at all) has been in Runescape. He created it, for crying out loud!
    • Actually, if you complete the Meeting History quest, you learn that he found it, shaped it and invited humans into it. The people you meet actually met with and spoke with him face to face.
  • If you look far enough into the storyline, Zamorak is actually the Ascended Fanboy. Also, the Runescape gods are much more like the Hindu gods than Christianity. Guthix is Brahma, Saradomin is Vishnu, and Zamorak is Shiva.

Koschei the Deathless is actually Kharshai, a Mahjarrat

Think about it, their names are very similar, Koschei has the symbol of Zamorak on his chest, has no memory, and was found in an ocean very close to the location of the Mahjarrat's Ritual of Rejuvenation.

  • This may be Jossed. Koschei the Deathless is a real mythological figure.

The RuneScape gods are actually the "bad guys" from the Book of Revelation.

Zamorak is the dragon, Guthix is the beast, and Saradomin is the false prophet. Either Bandos or Armadyl is the second beast, and the other ones are either the leviathan, the behemoth, or false gods.

  • Jossed, Zamoroak is an Ascended Fanboy, Guthix is the one who created the world, Saradomin is a Knight Templar, Bandos just wants to fight and Armadyl is the god of Justice. There is also Zaros, Marimbo, Seren, Menaphite Pantheon and The elder gods. Zaros is the god Zamorak defeated to become a god, although it now seems to be that it was all a Xanatos Gambit by him so he could Take Over the World. Seren is the godess of the elves, Marimbo is the ogd of monkeys. The Menaphite Pantheon are a group of desert gods and demigods, and the elder gods, who were there before all the other gods

Your avatar is living a second life, and in their first life died after they learned everything there is to know (that is, after getting 99s in everything)

The Balance Elemental knew you, at least, and it would be a convenient Hand Wave for why you suddenly know certain things at certain 'levels'; you know them all already, but it's been decided by whichever godly power said 'here have a reset' that you have to do a certain amount of things in that area before you can remember what you had learned. T'ain't perfect, of course, but it makes a certain amount of sense.

  • If this turns out to be true, then chances are that the previous life was in fact a Mahjarrat. That would explain why the player character can fight the Mahjarrat Khazard on equal term, as just one Mahjarrat can essentially be a One-Man Army.
    • The above is most likely Jossed; the Mahjarrat are followers of either Zaros or Zamorak. The Balance Elemental stated you were once a follower of Guthix. Unless your character converted in their past life...

The Spirit/Corporeal Beast is a Hollow

A soul-devouring beast with weird attacks, a white mask and armor, and a hole in its chest? (at least when the dark energy core isn't in there) Seems like an extremely powerful Hollow, or possibly an Adjuchas-class Menos formed from the many damned spirits of the Wilderness turned into hollows.(Those Revenants? Their chests are opening ever so slowly...) It doesn't seem intelligent enough to be a menos though.

Prayer Potions are a form of psychedelic drug

The two components in a regular prayer potion are an herb known in game as a "ranarr weed" and snape grass. Also, the player term for one is a ppot and lastly getting high has been linked to religious experiences in some cultures (which are the only ways to restore prayer points besides death).

    • The Snape Grass is the Catalyst, and it is more of spiritual clarity, since Snape Grass is only found in Waterbirth Islands where psuedo Eldritch Abomination creatures exist. After all it is used to cure hangovers
      • It can also be found on a small and relatively safe peninsula in Asgarnia. However, its use in hangover cures seems to reinforce the original theory.

Jas is Jagex's Java Application Server

First off, the acronym is very obvious. The Stone of Jas is the server which holds RuneScape, and the Dragonkin, who were created to protect it, are Jagex employees. Touching the Stone can give you great power, it is how Mods are created. It makes sense that he came before Guthix, because the game comes before the characters. Lucien plans to use the Stone of Jas to overwrite the game's programming to unleash Zamorak.

Mabel will be important in a future quest.

You know, the dumb girl in Love Story who lost her cheap ring and asked you to get it when she could easily get it herself? She and her ring may turn out to be very important in a future quest. It may not be the good kind of important either.

  • She could be a mahjarrat, or worse, an agent of the Dragonkin. The ring was the source of her power(perhaps even containing a fragment of the Stone of Jas), and she was quite weak without it; the ring also had a curse on it that prevented her from touching it. Your touch, for whatever reason, broke the curse. (literal Nice Job Breaking It, Hero) In her future appearance she will prove to be extremely powerful, and by the end will kill the Wise Old Man, Zeneviva, Sir Vant, Vannaka, Wizard Mizgog, Korasi/Jessika(depending on who you saved before), and your pet cat who you will need for the quest. A good quest title would be "No Good Deed".

Gielinor is a Discworld.

Azzandra will be killed during Ritual of the Mahjarrat

Jagex has stated that some of the Mahjarrat will die at the end of their questline. Furthermore, in Zemouregal's notes on Azzandra, he states that he and his fellow Zamorakian Mahjarrat should free him "while numbers of the Zamorakian faction are still high enough to handle him." Given this, it's very likely that they'll team up against Azzandra in order to use him for their ritual, thus getting rid of a powerful threat.

    • Jossed. It was Jhallan.
      • Lucien dies too.

Sister Anna went insane after finding out that Elena and Valerio were having an affair.

All we find out in 'One Piercing Note' is that she went insane, and that the cause is unknown. Here's a possible explanation: Before joining the order, Anna was in love with Valerio, but she failed to get his attention- or maybe he was just not in love with her. Eventually, she'd had enough of the pain caused by being around him and joined the order, throwing herself into religion so as to try to forget. It worked until two things happened: Valerio arrived, and she found out that he and Sister Elena were having an affair. That sent her over the edge, and she started associating dancing with sin in her mind, and Valerio as some kind of demon, maybe even the Ripper (since she thought she was Saint Elspeth). She killed Isabella, the applicant, maybe thinking that she was rescuing her from falling into sin, and with her cover established, killed Elena. After that, she had one more target- Sister Catherina, who loved to dance- and might have even gone after the dancing troupe had the player not stopped her.

  • However, the lyrics in Valerio's song hint he had feelings for Anna and that she joined the order because a preacher told her dancing was a sin. More likely she simply became obsessed with her beliefs.

Glouck had overthrown Glouphrie once he heard of the stories behind him, thinking him self as righteous, causing several coincidental Xanatos Gambits to take place

It is possible that Glouphrie did disguised Argento's death, however he may have NOT have been the one who killed him, remember, the Goblin Invasion took place during a time before the Elves explored the east, yet after Ilfeen handed Oaknock (Yewnock's father) the Crystal Saw, it is entirely possible that Argento's death might have been caused by the Iowerth Clan breaking a seal within the undercity of Prifddinas.

  • The Effects of Glouphrie
    • Argento died for some unknown reason, causing Glouphrie to cover his death purely for the sake of preventing the Gnomish race from being slaughtered by Humans, who are possibly less likely to be fooled by illusions due to being more intelligent than Goblins.
    • Hazelmere noticed that Argento wasn't speaking, thus he had Oaknock devise a machine that uncovers illusions and discovered that he was dead, everyone expected Glouphrie of course, Under King Healthorg's orders, Glouphrie was exiled due to 'Killing' Argento with no proof of his killer, thus he had to make sure that the upcoming election of Bolrie (old King of Tree Gnome Village) vs Argenthorg rolled in Bolrie's favor, by mudslinging accusations of the latter being a Human Sympathizer, History Repeats itself however, as Yewnock's machine reveals that Bolrie's advisor was Glouphrie, shaming Bolrie and stepping down as King, Argenthorg became the new king of the Gnome Stronghold by default, and Bolrie's brother Bolren took up position of the King of the Tree Gnome Village in his abscence.
    • Whilst all that was happening, somehow Glouphrie, or Glouck began tampering with the Anima Mundi to produce durable Mutant creatures, which caused pollution by dumping the waste in the southern forests of Isafdar.
  • The Elves half of the story
    • They started to go for the east during the Gnomes were repelling the Goblins and only managed to reach to the Tree Gnome Stronghold years after the Goblins left, whilst they were there, Ilfeen gave the Gnome King a pair of Crystal fonts as a treaty offering, and a Crystal Seed to his advisor Oaknock.
    • Shortly before the God Wars broke out, the Iowerth Clan broke a seal and caused Argento's death, unsure that Humans were skilled enough to cast magic that destructive, and that the Elves are at peace with them, they decided it was an inside job, thus they accused Glouphrie.
    • Once pollution started to appear, the Iowerth clan managed to start to degrade Prifddinas to crystal seeds due to Seren's weakened connection to the Anima Mundi, King Tyras had only recently discovered the Elven Lands for a search for Treasure and Prosperity, though the Iowerth elves and the Mourners are playing King Lathas for a fool, by taking West Ardougne citizens to be slaves, digging for the Temple of Light.
      • I wouldn't be surprised if the player is presumably piecing bits of information together to find out that Glouphrie was only guilty of being weary of Humans, justifying why he hid Argento's death, and that the real villains were the Iowerth Clan, who may have caused his death. (reason being that the Anima Mundi is a uncontrollable power of godly proportions, breaking a seal may cause irreplaceable damage, which Seren might have used to deter people from abusing the information held within the Undercity)

When Zaros returns, Guthix will awaken to fight him

  • As revealed in the 46th Postbag, Guthix wished to keep the world "free from the manipulations of gods", which is (at least part of) why he is no longer active. Whether or not Zaros is good or evil, he will be unlikely to simply leave the world he invested so much time in. Zaros wasn't present for the Edicts of Guthix, so Guthix can't simply destroy the world to keep it out of Zaros' hands, but Guthix probably won't just let him move back in, either.

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