Describe Rubberfruit here.
Seriously? Well, here goes:
There are quite a few talented Garry's Mod artists and video-makers out there. In the past these people used it to recreate notorious works, make humorous montages and, of course, show off their new contraptions or pieces of LUA scripting.
And then, by the time stop motion was getting popular with Garry's Mod, there's YouTube user RubberFruit, who's talented in a...different way.
RubberFruit's videos tend to contain random stuff happening (but whereas things like The Gmod Idiot Box are composed of clips, these videos take place in the span of one single clip), Deranged Animation (as a result of the Inflate tool and the HWM models that come with Team Fortress 2), and nostalgic music from older Nintendo properties (in particular, the Donkey Kong series). The most famous of his creations being of course Paini's Cupcake.
RubberFruit, as of December 2011, has stopped making videos altogether due to getting bored with Garry's Mod and getting sick of his subscribers. His existing videos haven't been deleted and thus can still be viewed.
- Art Evolution: Just check his YouTube channel. He is a lot better now than he was back when he started. This video in particular was a major turning point.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Beware Giant Louis.
- It's unclear whether the Giant Engineers are benevolent or not.
- Baleful Polymorph: Scout gets turned into a training target, then a chocolate bar in Scout turns into a training target.
- Robot Soldier seemed to be surprised and unhappy when he transformed into a foot...
- Butt Monkey: His videos usually have the RED Scout become the target of a Space Whale Aesop.
- The Cameo: "That was murder!" (The Giant Engineers)
- Deranged Animation: His videos tend to involve people eating each other (mostly swallowing each other whole), extremely weird faces and characters moving about in strange ways (such as sliding along the ground).
- Disproportionate Retribution: Scout pushes Engineer's dispenser off a bridge, allowing enemy Spy to steal it. Engineer sends Scout to the penal zone.
- There is also Heavy's Tiny Picnic Adventure. Scout throws a Sandvich at a tree, angering the Demoman into kidnapping him.
- Eldritch Location: The mysterious Penal Zone mentioned above.
- Ennio Morricone: Used in Part 2 of Adventures With Creepy Medic (specifically, the well-known theme from The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly).
- Fantastic Aesop: If you say "soap" three times to a Soldier, he'll turn big and suck you into him.
- Follow the Leader: There are hundreds and hundreds of people on YouTube who use Garry's Mod to make these sorts of videos. This article focuses mainly on Rubber Fruit because while he definitely isn't the first such G-Modder, he is easily the most prominent as he inadvertently starts a minor fad among his fans almost every time he uploads a new video.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Painis Cupcake. He will eat you. And there's nothing you can do about it. Nothing.
- Other than Painis Cupcake, most of the characters are pretty fond of gobbling each other up...
- Punched Across the Room: Medic does this to Spy, then shows off his dancing moves.
- Random Events Plot: Nearly every single video is nothing but this. The most notable exception is the Heavy's Tiny Picnic Adventure series, which actually has something of a plot.
- Reality Is Out to Lunch: And will not be joining us for the rest of his life.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Francis' preferred mode of transportation: a bouncing tricycle.
- Rocket Jump: Episode 5 of Heavy's Tiny Picnic Adventure has the Heavy do this- by launching an Ullapool Caber out of a stickybomb launcher.
- Sphere Eyes: Recently he seems to have become quite fond of using the Sight For Sore Eyes accessory on characters who aren't the Pyro.
- Slasher Smile: "I will eat you!"
- Stuff Blowing Up: In quite a few videos. Spy even learns about them at one point.
- Unexpected Genre Change: Part 6 of Heavy's Tiny Picnic Adventure has a turn-based battle with Painis Cupcake.