< Royal Pains

Royal Pains/YMMV

  • Awesome Music: The season 2 promo rap.
  • Base Breaker: Evan. Some fans find him completely annoying, others think that he's the best part of the show.
    • Though as of late, he's become a much better character since he started dating Paige, to the point where when Hank was a jerk to him, Evan gave him a speech that was pretty close to a reason you suck speech. Those who couldn't stand Evan before probably like him now. Rescued from the Scrappy Heap indeed.
  • Designated Love Interest: Jill Casey
  • Die for Our Ship: The Foe Yay between Hank and Dr. Peck has ignited this.
  • Flanderization: Evan turns into more of an idiotic jerk as the series goes on. This is actually a plot point, as he mentions in 1x11 that the Hamptons are "changing" him.
    • Jill seems to have become less and less competent a doctor compared to Hank and Divya in the second season.
    • That might be because Jill isn't a doctor.
  • Foe Yay: Hank and Emily. It gets more interesting when they act on their attraction... in the second episode after her appearance. It doesn't look like they'll end the enemy stage just yet, either.
  • Follow the Leader - Like Burn Notice, this show features a man who loses his job through no fault of his own and is forced to get by in an unfamiliar situation. That's a quote from the commercial where Michael writes to Hank, and sends him a few things he might need; sunglasses, some sunscreen, a block of C4...
  • Ho Yay: Boris and Hank (Could be Foe Yay depending on how the story is going), Evan and Boris (though more on Evan's part), Divya and Jill, Hank and Evan
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • In 1x07, "Crazy Love", the patient of the week gets put in an MRI. Something tries to get out of her chest. Turns out to be an RFID chip, which is even more creepy.
    • In the season one finale, Evan finds mold in an attic. Moving, black mold. It is made marginally less creepy when it turns out to be bats.
    • That one time where Hank drilled a hole in an old guy's head.
  • Purity Sue: Hank. Seriously, does he get paid extra for being a goody-two-shoes?
  • The Scrappy: It didn't take long for Dr. Peck to be hated by the fandom. Just check this out for an idea of how fans think of her.
  • Take That: In the pilot when the on-call doctor tries to treat a girl at the party and automatically assumes it's drugs. Hank points out some important symptoms that he missed because of his assumption. A cynical doctor who assumes the worst in everyone? Hmmm....
  • Tear Jerker: Evan watching helplessly as Hank tries to revive their father during his heart attack. Capped off when they finally get him to the emergency room and the surgeon - after asking what happened and if Hank is the primary physician to which Hank responds he's the son - can only reply with a shocked and sympathetic: "Jesus..."
  • Values Dissonance: Divya has to hide her work from her parents. She creates an elaborate cover story and enlists Evan to support it. The American viewer is probably thinking "You are over 21, right?"
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