Rover Dangerfield
A 1991 animated feature film produced by Hyperion Pictures and released by Warner Bros, starring the voice talents of comedian Rodney Dangerfield, who also wrote and co-produced the film. It is about a street dog named Rover, who is owned by Connie, a Las Vegas showgirl. However, Rover gets dumped off Hoover Dam by Connie's boyfriend, Rocky; however, rather than drowning, Rover ends up on a farm.
Tropes used in Rover Dangerfield include:
- Babies Ever After
- Black Comedy Burst: The Turkey scene.
- Casanova Wannabe: Rover.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Rover.
- Dead Turkey Comedy: Averted. The turkey gets killed, but it ain't played for laughs.
- Well, afterwards it isn't, but the goofy way Rover tries to revive said Turkey clearly was meant to.
- Epic Fail: Rover fails so badly at sheep herding that when he turns his back on them to be with Daisy they've somehow gotten stuck up a tree.
- Family-Unfriendly Death: Yes, children, the silly turkey dies, on camera, mouth agape, eyes wide in terror.
- And broken neck swaying.
- Fan Service: There's a shot of Rover's owner in a very skimpy Las Vegas showgirl uniform at one point -- it shows shocking skin considering it's in a movie for children.
- Fish Eyes: As is apparently common in cartoons of Rodney Dangerfield himself, Rover's eyes are often drawn slightly like this.
- Gender Equals Breed: Rover and Daisy's pups; 5 little Rovers and one little Daisy.
- Humanoid Female Animal: Inverted; the film provides a rare example of the opposite!
- Hurricane of Puns: In some scenes, the one-liners contain puns a lot.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Basically the main source for humor.
- Ink Suit Actor: Rover to Rodney Dangerfield.
- Jerkass: Rocky, the nastiest dog-kicking classic "bad boy" you'll ever see. He totally deserved to see the Hoover Dam in the end.
- Long Bus Trip: Eddie, Rover's little buddy at the beginning. Whatever happened to him in the end?
- Mood Dissonance: Two characters are Killed Off for Real during the span of the movie, one on-screen and one off-screen, and both in rather dark ways.
- Nice Guy: Raffles.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed
- One-Liner
- Obviously Evil: Rocky.
- Of Corpse He's Alive: Rover attempts this with the turkey. The farmer isn't fooled.
- Shoot the Dog: Subverted.
- The Renaissance Age of Animation
- Viva Las Vegas: Though most of the film takes place on a farm, the shots in Vegas have lots of scenes of flashing lights, casinos, and sequin clad feathery showgirls.
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