Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles/Funny

  • In "Plasma Bugs of Navarone", discussing Dizzy's borderline Blood Knight tendencies.

Gossard: "So what do you do to relax, Flores? Bungie jump without the cord?"
Dizzy: "Hey, no guts, no glory."
Rico: "No brains."
Carl: "No kidding."

    • Later in the episode, while ascending a cliff, Rico and Carl are hauling up a Marauder, and it keeps banging against the side of the cliff.

Brutto: "Rico! That suit is worth more than you and your freaky pal put together; get focused or the damage is coming outta your pay."

Rico: *to Carl* "Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'."

Brutto: "What was that?"

Rico: *casually* "Nothin'!"

      • When Rico is forced to destroy the Marauder to save Carl:

Rico: "Guess I'm not getting paid 'til I'm eighty."

    • After Gossard is attacked by a cliff mite:

Doc: "Radical reconstructive surgery is the only option."
Gossard: "Leg's that bad?"
Doc: "Leg's fine; I was talkin' about your face."

  • After Brutto is (the last one) freed from his cocoon prison in "And Then There Were Two".

Brutto: (looks around and notices that he was the last one freed) Save'd the best for last huh?

  • In "Missing in Action", Rico and Dizzy start arguing during a briefing.

Dizzy: "You accuse me of taking risks? That's a laugh."
Rico: "What are you talking about?"
Dizzy: "That time in the cave when you were trying to impress Carmen?"
Rico: "Get serious, I was doing my job!"
Dizzy: "Oh, please, do I look like an idiot!?"
Rico: "You said it, not me."
Lieutenant Razak: "Am I interrupting you two?"
Dizzy and Rico: "YES!" *look up and realize who's talking* "No! No, Sir; sorry, Sir."

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