Rotting Hills
A five-episode animated miniseries made by Nelvana that aired on YTV. Each episode is only 5 minutes long, and was shown between regular programming.
10-year-old Clark McWeeble has just moved to Rotting Hills, a place formerly known as Restful Hills until it was overtaken by zombies. His dad, who orchestrated the move in the first place, is quite excited about it and remarkably oblivious to anything abnormal about the place. Clark is understandably upset about the whole ordeal, but luckily for them the zombies turn to be the friendly neighbourhood kind.
As he adapts to the place, Clark gradually befriends a zombie girl named Zoe and her undead dog Buddy. They have a few adventures; at least, as much as you can fit into a 25-minute series.
Can be viewed here, although episode 2 is mislabeled as #3 and vice versa.
- Acquired Situational Narcissism: Clark in "Zombie Clark".
- Alpha Bitch: Lizzy.
- Badass Adorable: Buddy.
- Bumbling Dad
- Closer to Earth: Clark's mom is well aware of the zombies, unlike her husband.
- Deadpan Snarker: Zoe. Also Clark to some extent.
- Funny Background Event: While Zoe confronts Clark at Lizzy's party, Buddy can be seen dancing off to the side.
- Grievous Harm with a Body: Buddy punching a Skull with the guy's own arm after it accidentally comes off during their fight.
- Hypnotic Eyes: Missy.
- In with the In Crowd: Clark in "Zombie Clark". Attempted previously by Zoe in "The New Girl", to no avail.
- Lovable Coward: Clark earlier on, before he starts getting used to things.
- Made of Plasticine: Some of the older zombies tend to lose their limbs pretty easily. But then, this is pretty much a given.
- Not a Zombie: Clark's dad takes this to ridiculous extents. The smell of rotting flesh? That's obviously swamp gas.
- Old Dark House: Clark's family moves into one of these. The reason for its size and its placement at the top of a hill is that it used to be a funeral home. Lucky them.
- Our Vampires Are Different: Missy.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Buddy.
- Redheaded Hero: Clark.
- Too Dumb to Live: Clark's dad.
"Don't worry, this looks like a shortcut down this dark, terrifying tunnel!"
- Zombie Gait: Played with. Many zombies do move like this, some apparently by choice, as seen with Zoe in the first episode. It also seems to be a popular way of dancing.