< Roseanne


Roseanne Connor [Roseanne Barr]

Dan Connor [John Goodman]

Becky Connor [Lecy Goranson, then Sarah Chalke, then Lecy Goranson, then finally Sarah Chalke]

Darlene Connor [Sarah Gilbert]

DJ Connor [Sal Barone in the Pilot, then Michael Fishman for the rest of the series.]

Jackie Harris [Laurie Metcalf]

  • Break the Cutie
  • Really Gets Around
  • Small Name, Big Ego: A common thread among her many jobs was that she always tried to talk them up to make them sound a lot more important than they were. She tried to make it sound like she was the star of a high school play when all she did was raise the curtain. When she was injured in the line of duty as a police officer, she always tried to talk it up as though she took a bullet saving a baby carriage, when in reality she pulled her back after she tackled some fat naked guy and they both fell down the stairs.
  • Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?: She rotated through factory worker, police officer, truck driver, theater actor, diner owner, before finally settling into stay-at-home mom.
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