Role Models
Role Models is a 2008 American comedy film directed by David Wain about two energy drink salesmen who are ordered to perform 150 hours of community service as punishment for various offenses. For their service, the two men work at a program designed to pair kids with adult role models. The film stars Seann William Scott, Paul Rudd, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Bobb'e J. Thompson, Jane Lynch, Ken Jeong, and Elizabeth Banks.
Tropes used in Role Models include:
- Actor Allusion: Stop me if you've heard this one- Seann William Scott plays a sex-obsessed, rowdy guy who goes on a last name basis, and said last name ends in "-er". Subverted a bit in that Stifler is a Jerk with a Heart of Gold, while Wheeler is a pretty good guy at face value (unlike Danny, he tries to make the best of his time with Ronnie from the start) and even likes his job of telling kids to stay off drugs, even if he doesn't abide by it himself.
- Awesome Moment of Crowning: Subverted. Augie is "king" for about thirty seconds, before Lady Esplin (Sarah) "kills" him and becomes queen instead.
- Reverted when she asks him to be her king. Doubles as a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming.
- Batman Gambit: Danny and Augie pull this off during the Battle Royale. Danny pretends to be wounded, knowing King Argotron will want to finish him personally. Augie takes this opportunity to eliminate the rest of Argotron's guards and face him one-on-one.
- "I've heard of popcorn in the face, but this is ridiculous!
- Deadpan Snarker: Danny. He's played by Paul Rudd, what did you expect?
- Gail would be if any of her snarks made sense.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Gail and her bagel dog.
- Drugs Are Bad: The whole message behind Minotaur's school marketing campaign. Subverted when we see Wheeler smoking a joint.
- Distracted by the Sexy: One thing Wheeler and Ronnie have in common
- Freudian Excuse: Ronnie, somewhat
- Hello, Attorney!: Played by Elizabeth Banks. Hello, indeed.
- Ironic Birthday
- Intercourse with You: Wheeler teaches Danny what the songs of Kiss are all about.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Danny
- LARP: Despite the running cracks by the other characters not involved with LARP until the royale, it is portrayed as a good, if niche/nerdy, way of social interaction, esp. for someone like Augie who doesn't fit in elsewhere.
- Lovable Sex Maniac/Casanova: Wheeler. Ronnie is a junior version of this.
- Mouthy Kid: Ronnie, a middle schooler of hilarious retorts and apparently vast cinematographic knowledge.
Danny: Pick us up in two hours.
Ronnie: Fuck you, Miss Daisy.
- Only Sane Man: Danny usually plays this role.
- Running Gag: "Love take me down to the streets..."
- The constant gay jokes about the guys who play LAIRE.
- Ben Affleck.
- Serious Business: LAIRE is the epitome of this trope.
- Suck E. Cheese's
- Talking Is a Free Action: Quite a lot during the battle royale.
- Watch It Stoned: When Wheeler and Connie overdose on Ambien and try to have sex
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