Roku Naruto
First, take a Naruto, any Naruto. Then, Hybridize your Naruto with the following: Nougami Neuro, Shinji Ikari from the Shinji40k continuity, Nara Shikamaru, Delirium of the Endless, Kamina, and Asura. Mix, shake well and serve.
This is Roku Naruto.
Read it: Here
Tropes used in Roku Naruto include:
- Badass Army: Naruto's various clone divisions, the S.T.A.H.K.E.R.S. being the most badass.
- Badass Creed: Reaper Squad: "The Wings of Death shall be Our Name. For the Rivers of Life are Ours to Tame"
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Naruto beating the living hell out of the Kyuubi. WITH FORCE LIGHTNING.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: When Naruto's clones transform into various random objects while throwing themselves at Kakashi. Trojan Bunny!
- smart!Naruto's reaction to hearing about the Kyuubi.
"Oh my god! I live in a village of mental retards!"
- Expendable Clone: The Busters.
- Hilariously Abusive Childhood: Inverted like with most fanfics. It's heavily implied that Naruto has been crucified. Literally. Which leads to...
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Here and there. The worst sequence is one written from a cat's POV. In it, the animal is chased down, electrocuted, and burned to death. It didn't help that the name of the chapter was 'DIE FLUFFY'.
- Me's A Crowd: Probably one of the central tropes of the entire fic. By the current chapter, Naruto has near 1500 shadow clones working on various projects, and a mission group of over 100, several of which are named characters with their own personalities.
- Rouge Angles of Satin: All the time with the Jutsu, which can be really grating if you happen to know Japanese. Not nearly as bad with the English, but still present.
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