Rokko Chan
Rokko Chan is a Flash Game in faithful Homage to the Mega Man franchise, specifically the classic games (with some of the X series stuff thrown in).
The plot revolves around Dr. Thane attempting to create a young robot girl with a human memory, and he succeeds, but then she goes out to fight Dr. Mad, who is trying to Take Over the World with his six robots.
Tropes used in Rokko Chan include:
- Boss Rush: Before the final boss, as is the norm in Mega Man games.
- Captain Ersatz: Most of the characters in the game.
- Dual Boss: Fransiska and Lancea in Mad Castle 1.
- Emergency Energy Tank: E-Tanks are available in this game.
- Gravity Screw: Rolling Man's level is set in outer space, so it naturally has lower gravity than the other ones.
- Homage
- I Know Madden Kombat: Hockey Man's design and most of his attacks are based on his namesake.
- Indy Escape: The boulder appears in Forest Man's level.
- Jumped At the Call: Rokko hears of Dr. Mad's plans of world domination seconds after she awakens and then immediately sets out to stop him.
- Meaningful Name: The Captain Ersatz versions of Dr. Wily and Dr. Light are named "Dr. Mad" and "Dr. Sane", respectively.
- Mega Manning: Of course.
- Robot Girl: Rokko Chan.
- Sequential Boss: Dr. Mad's machine has three forms.
- Shout-Out: The unlockable Owata Mode turns Rokko into a One-Hit-Point Wonder. The achievement you get for beating the game in this mode is named "I Wanna Be The Human".
- Sound Test: Beat the game once to unlock it.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Dr. Sane's name is spelled as "Dr. Thane" in the game's intro. This is likely a nod to Dr. Light's various name transliterations.
- Temporary Platform: The Yoku Blocks appear in two levels, but not in a very hard or abusive manner.
- Videogame Dashing: Borrowed from X and Bass. It makes Rokko jump a little lower, but of course it is quite useful for dodging and jumping over pits.
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