< Rock and Rule
Rock and Rule/YMMV
- Animation Age Ghetto: THIS IS NOT A KID'S MOVIE. It's more of a 13 and older year old's movie.
- Complete Monster: Aging, utterly self-absorbed rock singer Mok Swagger intends to use the powers of an otherworldly demon to destroy his loyal fans for the crime of not loving him enough (as his last concert was not entirely sold out). Mok forces the female lead Angel to sing the song through which he intends to summon the demon by torturing her bandmates, threatening to kill them before her and smirking when he sees the torture of them leaves them as drooling vegetables. His first attempt to summon the demon in Nuke York foiled but with disastrous consequences for the city and it's inhabitants, Mok finally uses Angel's voice to summon the horrible demon onto a packed crowd in at his concert in Ohmtown gleefully watching it devour his fans and completely apathetic even when the demon kills one of his loyal minions.
- Non Sequitur Scene: The musical hologram sequence qualifies, as does Mok's Villain Song which turns out to be a drug-induced hallucination. See Mushroom Samba.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel - The demon spits out demonic looking fetuses, amongst other creepy things. And that mask.
- Fridge Brilliance: At the end, when Angel starts to face the abomination, Omar starts yelling at her not to do it, really drawing out his words - but then you realize it was because he was suffering from a concussion.
- Fridge Logic: We're asked to believe that Mok's own computer would not give him a straightforward answer as to who could stop his demon and instead speaks cryptically.
- Possibly justified, given that he's been a Jerkass boss to it, and certainly deserved a Jerkass Genie answer.
- Technically, it didn't lie to him. Mok just misinterpreted the answer.
- Magnificent Bastard: Mok manages to be both this and a Smug Snake, much like a later Expy, Professor Ratigan.
- Moral Event Horizon: Mok's entire plan to summon a demon to destroy everyone just because his audiences weren't loving him enough.
- Older Than They Think: Was this the first use of light bridges?
- Paranoia Fuel: Mok can appear in your bedroom in a wink, in front of the middle of a thirty-foot-wide wall of glass (as in, pretty hard to sneak in conventionally). Oh, and singing a random selection of notes, unknowingly, may lead to the creation of a monstrous demon from beyond. Pleasant dreams.
- Recycled Script: The plot is heavily derived from a previous Nelvana product The Devil and Daniel Mouse, which was essentially an animated, kid-friendly adaption of the story of Doctor Faustus.
- Reverse Funny Aneurysm - or straight-up Funny Aneurysm, depending on your point of view. We don't think Mok was supposed to look like what Michael Jackson looked like later in life, but...
- Mok's name is Mok Swagger, and is based on the single - but Mick Jagger threatened to sue, so it was just Mok.
- Or, as a friend used to put it, He's got Mick Jagger's lips, David Bowie's walk, and Lou Reed's voice. He's the ultimate Rocker.
- That friend could have added "Iggy Pop's physique."
- In short, he's part Jagger, part Bowie, part Lou Reed, part Iggy, and part Jacko. Awesome.
- Mok's name is Mok Swagger, and is based on the single - but Mick Jagger threatened to sue, so it was just Mok.
- Ugly Cute: Uncle Mikey's Cartoon Show.
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