< Robot Wars (TV series)

Robot Wars (TV series)/Funny

  • In Heat D in Series 7, Lightning's captain, Laurie Calvert, attempted to intimidate his next opponent, Thor with this gem: "We're Lightning, just wait... for the THUNDAH!" Even funnier is that JP couldn't contain his laughter afterwards, simply because of how corny it sounded.
  • Basically, any time Diotior caught fire.
  • The Refbot and Sergeant Bash getting into a fight during one episode of Extreme II, with the Refbot attempting to put out Bash's flamethrower with his fire extinguisher.
  • Major Tom driving into the pit it had just opened in its Fifth Wars fight against Kat 3. The kicker is that Major Tom slammed Kat 3 into the pit release tyre.
  • Sir Killalot catching fire after attempting to push Robopig over the flame pit in the Third Wars.
  • Shunt smashing Major Toms plastic bubblegum-dispenser head with its axe in the Fourth Wars.
  • Razer losing to the laughable Aggrobot in the Third Wars, not because Aggrobot was a superior robot, but because the back of Razers weapon dug into the floor and left it unable to move.
  • Ant Pritchard's reaction to his robot, Behemoth, falling in the pit in the Series 10 Grand Final after one of Nuts 2's minibots hit the tyre and dropped the pit right as Behemoth crossed it.
  • During Hypnodisc's first fight, against Robogeddon, when the former has completely ripped the latter's armour off and wrecked the wheels, two of the Robogeddon team members are seen talking to each other:

Jonathan Pearce: What's he saying? "There's a way back into this for us"? I don't think so!

  • Following Hypnodisc's similarly one-sided Series 4 fight against Splinter:

Craig Charles: Very close fight, we'll have to go to the judges on that one. Only joking!

  • During the Series 4 fight between Dominator 2 and 101 (Dominator 2 is armed with a large axe and spends the fight sticking numerous holes in 101):

Jonathan Pearce: Do not try this at home, children, with a toothpick on your brother's favourite model car. Wait until Christmas Day and do it then!

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