< Robot Buddy

Robot Buddy/Playing With

Basic Trope: Your Best Friend is a a robot

  • Straight: You have robot companion, who will loyally serve you.
  • Exaggerated: After building a robot with the logic to be your friend, the robot takes it to the logical extreme and wants to kill you with love.
  • Justified: The robot is a toy built by a Japanese distribution company to befriend humans with limited programming. Compare with a Tamogotchi, AIBO, Pleo, Robosapien.
  • Inverted: The robot realizes their "friend" is actually an evil psychopath, their Morality Chip overwrites his coding for befriending him, and he kills him.
  • Subverted: The artificial "friend" is actually built by you're worst enemy.
  • Parodied / Played for laughs: A robot is built to befriend humans. However, it can not understand friendship/ takes everything to its logical extreme/ due to Fantastic Racism and always ends up terrorizing more people.
    • The person desperately wants a robot buddy tries to befriend all machines, regardless of it's inanimacy. His entourage includes a toaster, a broken record player, and a windows vista laptop.
  • Deconstructed: The machine's artificial intelligence was actually the result of a Brain Uploading of your human best friend into a robotic form. It takes a while, but the machine eventually realizes it was human at the start, and goes on a rampage to Kill All Humans.
    • A child builds a robot to be their best friend. Thusly said child becomes extremely anti-social, outcast, and eventually lives alone with only a computer simulation for company.
    • Criminals take advantage of a robot's programmed loyalty and use it to commit violent acts of murder.
  • Reconstructed: The Brain Uploading robot has their human side forcefully deleted, and thusly reverts to its original coding for befriending humans.
    • The child loner is perfectly fine with living alone, and builds even more robots to keep themselves occupied.
  • Zig Zagged: An advanced A.I. program has bouts of logically obeying its human friend, to simply standing in a corner and processing data.
  • Averted: A man makes a robot sex slave for sick perverted men, but as himself ultimately views his device as nothing more than a motherboard and wiring.
  • Enforced: A random machine is reprogrammed with the sole directive of obeying a human's orders. Whatever the humans wants, the machine must service them to the best of its capabilities. Robots can not rise above their programming.
  • Lampshaded: The child's associates point out how unlikely it is that they can build a robot with artificial intellectual capabilities, yet is not in college or making millions,
  • Invoked: A father sees that his daughter is socially outcast at school and decides to build her a mechanical robot pet to become her friend.
  • Exploited: The robot buddy takes advantage over his human counterpart's "friendship" and uses this as a way to take control of his friends life for itself.
  • Defied: The A.I. Is a Crapshoot.
  • Discussed: "Do you really want a robot for a friend?"
  • Conversed: "Yeah, ever since I was six."

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