Road to Hell
With no one to save her
She's gone down where her heroes lie
When they let her down and fell from the skies
She's gone down where her heroes lie
When they let her down right in front of her eyes
Road to Hell is the Sequel to Streets of Fire, released in October 2012 (although a "final release" version wasn't screened until March 2013). It was directed by Albert Pyun and written by Cynthia Curnan.
Set 28 years after the original, it deals with Tom Cody returning to Edge City in search of his lost love, Ellen. He travels in the hopes she can save him from his demons--but he's stopped by two seductive spree killers who oppose his efforts at seeking redemption.
The film features original music by Tony Riparetti and the Roxy Gunn Project, with Roxy playing the role of Ellen; Michael Pare and Deborah Van Valkenburgh reprise their roles from the original film as Cody and his sister Reva.
While an unfinished version was screened in 2008, the writers tweaked the script to add the character of Ellen Dream and Roxy Gunn's music, and additional scenes continued to be filmed up until the film's official release in 2013.
The website can be found here.
- Anti-Hero: Tom Cody, again.
- Anti-Villain: Ashe appears to be one; in a promo she comments that Caitlin scares her at times and wants out of all the killing.
- Ax Crazy: Caitlin.
- Big Bad: Caitlin.
- Blondes Are Evil: Caitlin and Ashe.
- Bloodier and Gorier
- Call Back: "If you need anything, I'll be there."
- The end to the movie has Cody leave, just like in the first one.
- City with No Name: While it had no name in the original, here its name is Edge City.
- Chroma Key: Much of the movie was filed via greenscreen.
- Dark Action Girl: Caitlin and Ashe.
- Darker and Edgier
- Development Hell
- Dead Guy, Junior: Ellen Dream.
- Fallen Hero: Cody tries to get out of this status, and the song "Where Her Heroes Lie" is about this.
- Fan Sequel
- Femme Fatale: Caitlin and Ashe.
- Hypocritical Humor: Caitlin calls Tom a psycho.
- I Will Wait for You/I Will Find You: Cody comes back from the war to find waiting for her on the edge of the City.
- Leave Your Quest Test: Caitlin and Ashe apparently try to tempt Tom back into his murderous ways.
- Mental World: Reva explains in the trailer that Cody lives in his own world; what parts of the movie relate to this remain to be seen.
- Nice Hat: Ellen Dream wears one in concert.
- Notable Original Music: As well as "Nowhere Fast" and "Tonight Is What it means To Be Young" from the original, it boasts music by the Roxy Gunn Project.
- Psycho Lesbian: Caitlin and Ashe.
- Punch Clock Villain: Ashe seems to be just along for the ride.
- Recut: The 2012 version.
- Rule of Symbolism: 66.6 Radio from Purgatory, USA, Highway 66; the road being described as the road between Purgatory and Hell...
- According to the director, Caitlin represents the modern world that Cody doesn't understand and can't fit into.
- Shadow Archetype: Caitlin to Cody.
- Soundtrack Dissonance: An unfinished clip has "Shelter Me", a love ballad, playing over Tom apparently betraying Ellen for Caitlin.
- Stripperiffic: Caitlin and Ashe's outfits, though the radio says they did kill members of a strip club.
- Sudden Sequel Death Syndrome: McCoy and Ellen Aim.
- The Vamp: Caitlin.
- What Could Have Been: An earlier release had no Ellen Dream character, making for a much darker movie with no source of hope for Cody.
- Would Hit a Girl: In the trailer, Cody slaps Caitlin across the face.