< Road Rovers

Road Rovers/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: Donovan Bell.
    • And Parvo himself doesn't count?
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: The end of the episode "Gold and Retrievers" where Oso, a guide dog makes a wish that his blind boy can see again and it comes true. Also, when Hunter gets reunited with his mom in the last episode.
  • Ear Worm: The theme song completely qualifies for this.
  • Evil Is Sexy: The Groomer could qualify for this.
  • Fridge Brilliance: General Parvo's hatred of the Road Rovers and the reason he's always coughing makes perfect sense when you see his helmet removed and realize that he has cat ears, making him part cat and that he was coughing up hairballs the whole time.
  • Fridge Logic: How the Rovers react in the first episode, and several other places. It gets worse when the Rovers call attention to the fact that they haven't got any idea of how to fly jets or drive cars. That doesn't stop them from knowing what an ignition is, or how to stay on the road. Or how not to crash into the ground.
    • Also, in "A Hair Of The Dog That Bit You", if Colleen was the werewolf and not Exile, then how did giant claw marks end up on the inside of the door to Exile's room?
      • We probably donĀ“t want to know...
      • The door wasn't even locked, so it could just be a simple frame-up.
    • In one episode, the leaders of the world were hypnotized into starting a war with each other once the moon came out. So how did the moon come out in several different parts of the world at the same time?
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: The episode with werewolves opens with Princess Diana and Prince Charles finalizing details of their divorce just before werewolves attack them. Following Diana's death, this particular bit was cut from re-runs.
  • Ho Yay and Fan Yay
    • The Ho Yay is particularly noticeable between Exile and Blitz. Besides the Mistaken Declaration of Love mentioned below, several episodes have some scene where one of the two is hugging, kissing, or getting in an unfortunate position with the other for comedic effect.
  • Too Good to Last: Lasted only thirteen episodes.
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