< Rival Schools

Rival Schools/YMMV

  • Badass Decay: Poor Raizo went through this starting in the very first game of the series. You'd think a guy who looks like this and is portrayed as the mastermind of the kidnappings would be the Big Bad, right? Nope, it's his nephew Hyo who's pulling the strings of the plot. Then in Project Justice, he takes a beating from new Big Bad Kurow to show how badass the new guy is and doesn't even get to be a playable character in that game.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Compared to the other main characters (Batsu and Hinata), Kyosuke's popularity is still rather large - so much so that he got into Capcom vs. SNK 2 over them. Being a Bishounen helps. The fact that Batsu and Hinata are basically Shotoclones for a game that's already full of them (Ryu, Ken, Dan, Sakura, Akuma, Sagat, Morrigan, Iori, Terry, Ryo, Yuri and Athena) doesn't hurt either...
    • Akira is definite female example in the series. Her popularity relative to her role in United by Fate is rather large. Seijyun seems to be created just to give her her own story separate from the Gedo guys' adventures.
  • Game Breaker: In both games, Roberto.
    • In United by Fate, Hyo and Sakura were also considered top tier characters. Gan also had an infinite combo.
    • In Project Justice, Roy, Hideo and Momo all were considered top tier.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Hyo Imawano orchestrated the Justice High incident in United by Fate as a smokescreen, so everyone would be busy investigating the attacks. Thereby, diverting attention away from himself, while he was carefully selecting which students to kidnap and enslave to become his private army, by which he intended to rule Japan.
  • Needs More Love: The series hasn't seen a new installment since Project Justice thanks to its poor sales. The real kicker is that PJ left the series story on a cliffhanger (Kyosuke has gone missing and Kurow has escaped), so unless the series finally gets a concluding installment, the fans may never know what happened.
  • The Scrappy: Momo. Obnoxious design even for the series, shrill voice and ridiculous in-game prowess compared to her size makes her not well-liked among fandom.
  • The Woobie: Yurika. The poor girl is only is participating in Kurow's plans because of how much she cares for her little brother (and this is in spite of the verbal abuse he heaps on her). If the player manages to get an ending with her in Project Justice's board game, she also reveals she doesn't like the things she's had to do as a part of the Darkside Society and pleads to the player character to forget about her so the PC doesn't have to face the wrath of the society with her.
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