Rip Haywire
Rip Haywire is an Affectionate Parody of old school Adventure comic strips created by Dan Thompson.
Rip is a self styled soldier of fortune who travels around the world battling assorted villains. Joining Rip are his talking collie TNT, his ex-girlfriend Cobra and a Tagalong Kid named R.J.
It can be found here.
Tropes used in Rip Haywire include:
- Alliterative Name: Cobra Carson.
- Awesome McCoolname
- Bold Inflation
- Captain Obvious: Parodied.
- Casual Danger Dialog
- Catch Phrase:
- "Sweet Molly McX Y!" and any variant of this (alliteration sometimes included).
- "The name's Haywire."
- Cheated Angle: Cobra's black hair is nearly always behind her head, no matter the angle, effectively framing it.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Dr. Pain, the leader of evil terrorist group SKULL, who then turns out to be Rip's mother.
- Cowardly Sidekick: TNT.
- Dating Catwoman: Rip and Cobra.
- Eyes Always Shut: Rip, most of the time.
- Face Palm: A lot of them.
- Happily Adopted: R.J.
- Lantern Jaw of Justice: Rip.
- Last-Name Basis: Most villains often refer to Rip by his last name. Everyone else just calls him "Rip".
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Dr. Pain, to Rip.
- Mad Libs Catchphrase: "Sweet [Name] (Mc)_____!" and "Zip it, [nickname]!"
- Megaton Punch: Rip's trademark attack.
- Cobra also gets her kicks, especially towards Rip.
- The Nicknamer: Some of the characters, including Rip himself.
- No Name Given: R.J. started out this way, before he was adopted by Rip and Cobra.
- Only Known by Initials: R.J. (Rip Jr.)
- Parental Abandonment: Rip, initially, before he found his mother Dr. Pain and later his father Dutch.
- Reference Overdosed
- Share Phrase: "Zip it, (insert nickname here)", even though it's more of a Borrowed Catchphrase. Also, "Talk!" when confronting someone else, usually an enemy.
- Soft Glass
- Talking Animal: TNT again.
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