< Rich Bitch

Rich Bitch/Playing With

Basic Trope: The rich woman who embodies many negative personality stereotypes about both the upper class and the female sex.

  • Straight: Alexis, who comes from a long line of aristocrats in all but title, speaks rudely to everyone around her, is focused on gaining and showing off her wealth, and has no empathy for the problems of those who are less privileged than herself.
  • Exaggerated: As above, and she has also gotten away with murder--in a case that went to trial--by means of Screw the Rules, I Have Money.
  • Justified: She lives in a time and place where the class struggle between rich and poor demands this. If a member of the ruling class didn't act like this, they would be perceived as weak.
  • Inverted: The Spoiled Sweet rich girl who is friendly to all.
  • Subverted: Alexis seems to be a Rich Bitch at first, but is really a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
  • Double Subverted: She was merely pretending to be nice, her actual tendencies actually are towards rudeness.
  • Parodied: Alexis was perfectly nice before she bought a winning lottery ticket, but even before cashing her ticket, she goes from, well, "zero to bitch in 60 seconds."
  • Deconstructed: Alexis decides to try her hand at being a businesswoman rather than a socialite, but discovers that the personality traits that work fine for enjoying her rich status are quite useless for being a successful executive, corrupt or otherwise.
  • Reconstructed: But even so, she's the CEO's wife, so the other executives have to deal with the situation without firing her or doing anything else that would hurt her feelings.
  • Averted: Alexis is rich, but doesn't have a particularly negative personality.
  • Lampshaded: "Whoa, the senator's daughter blew a fuse when the waiter didn't get her order just the way she wanted it. What a suprise."
  • Invoked: The Gold Digger acts like a Rich Bitch not because of any inclinations toward malice, but because she believes that it's necessary for success at fitting in with the other rich people and defeating any kind of rival.
  • Defied: Alexis believes that there's no point in impressing people with her wealth if they actually hate her guts, and therefore she makes sure to treat everyone with respect.
  • Discussed: "Why are all the rich people so nasty?"
  • Conversed: "The rich people on all these TV shows are total bitches and assholes, but is that really what the rich are like? It's something of an open question."

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