

Ri2 is a fanfiction author who is best known for his extremely long, novel length fanfics, which can range from short (102 words, granted it was a poem...) to record setting (his current[when?] fic is 1,535,059 words). His work has received acclaim from parts of the fanfic community for its length, humour and action, but Your Mileage May Vary as to the quality of the writing.

Works written by Ri2 include:
Ri2 provides examples of the following tropes:
  • Badass: Plenty.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: He can make a fight scene that will make your jaw DROP.
    • And don't even bother picking it up, it only gets BETTER.
  • Complete Monster: He has a knack for making total psychopaths and does a damn good job at them.
    • That, or flat and uninteresting antagonists with one-dimensional personalities. Take your pick
  • Doorstopper: His most famous works are in excess of 500,000 words.
  • Genre Savvy: See Troperiffic.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Usually somewhere in the stories...works too!
  • Serial Escalation: It would seem he challenges himself with every chapter to top what he did the previous chapter.
  • Troperiffic: It's shown quite a bit that he's a troper, it shows up in his writing a lot.
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