Revisioned: Tomb Raider Animated Series
Revisioned: Tomb Raider Animated Series is a ten-part series of short animated episodes based on the Tomb Raider series, which was originally aired on GameTap in 2007. The series consists of varying renditions of Lara Croft, from the hands of noted animation and comic artists, which range from the semi-realistic to downright cartoony. Although enjoying the alternate takes on the character, criticisms from viewers did tend to include that the shift from one to another was somewhat confusing, and that the stories of each episode were a little too simple and non-explanatory.
Tropes used in Revisioned: Tomb Raider Animated Series include:
- Art Shift
- Back from the Dead: "Keys to the Kingdom". Lara resurrects Dr. Heinrich and Zahir using the Osiris Arc. They both die for good later. Heinrich commits suicide, and Lara undos the spell she used on Zahir ( aka Osiris) with the arc.
- Department of Redundancy Department: In "Revenge of the Aztec Mummy", Zolton actually orders his mooks "Kill! Her! To! Death!" -years before Superboy-Prime would utter the words and make them infamous. Only in this case, it was done for comedic purposes.
- Deranged Animation: "Keys to the Kingdom". Hey, it is by Peter Chung.
- Gainaxing
- Is This Thing On??: Spoken by a reporter at the beginning of "Keys to the Kingdom".
- Let Us Never Speak of This Again: "Revenge of the Aztec Mummy". To quote Lara herself, "The less said about this adventure, the better."
- Lighter and Softer: "Revenge of the Aztec Mummy" and "Pre-Teen Raider".
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Rodrigo.
- Physical God: "Keys to the Kingdom". All of the Gods that exist in the Pleroma. Zahir turns out to be the human form of Osiris.
- Rashomon Style: One episode is composed mostly of three villains' stories about how they met, and presumably killed, Lara Croft. They even describe her differently, adding to the Rashomon effect. In the end, she shows up to kick their asses.
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: At the end of "Revenge of the Aztec Mummy", Lara puts the Scarlet Scarab (a gemstone) down her top.
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