< Revenge of the Creature

Revenge of the Creature/YMMV

  • Fridge Logic: So, how did the mouse end up in the pocket of Clint Eastwood's lab coat?
  • Sequelitis: A decent film but not as good as the first.
  • Values Dissonance: The heroes try to test the recently captured Gill Man's memory and intelligence with various tests that involve jabbing it with a cattle prod when it is trying to eat. Any character who repeatedly tasered a captive animal like that today would be seen by many audience members as having crossed a Moral Event Horizon. While the movie does portray the Gill Man sympathetically, it also expects us to continue viewing the testers as "heroes."
  • What an Idiot!: Gill Man has escapes into the sea and what its leading studiers decide to do afterwards? "Let's go swimming!"
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