< Retail


  • Heartwarming Moments: While he's usually a jerkass, Stuart congratulates Marla on both her wedding and pregnancy, and even gives her $100 as a gift for the former.
    • Cooper working 70 hour weeks just to be able to afford to take Val to New York to see a musical on Broadway. Made all the sweeter by the fact that poor Cooper isn't well off at all.
    • Marla and Scott making up after an argument about getting married. The arc leading up to the reconciliation also contained a bonus heartwarmer in the form of Cooper taking it upon himself to talk to Scott about the situation, noting that Marla is "like my big sister."
  • Moment of Awesome: One storyline had Grumbel's being forced to layoff employees due to massive budget cuts. Stuart, of course, planned on using this as an excuse to get rid of Cooper (even telling him to "don't let the door hit your rear on the way out" when he gave him the pink slip). What happened next is that Lunker flipped out and pretty much threatened Stuart into letting Cooper keep the job by splitting the hours. Stuart, scared shitless, agreed and immediately ran out. Lunker is probably the only employee at Grumbel's who has ever intimidated Stuart, but then again, Lunker's a huge, super-strong guy.
    • Lunker has an off screen moment of awesome when faced with someone who was trying to rob the gas station he and Cooper were working at. The guy had a knife, yet ended up in hospital with broken ribs.
  • Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: The health care plotline in 2008 depicted the fate of most US service workers by showing Cooper facing medical bankruptcy after a hospital trip due to the fact that most retail workers (as part-timers) do not qualify for and cannot afford health insurance.
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