< Respawn of the Dead

Respawn of the Dead/YMMV

  • Cargo Ship: Soldier and his Shovel, taken to the furthest extreme possible when he has sex with it.
  • Complete Monster: Spy, with AUTHORITY. Not only was he plotting the deaths of his own team, part of the plan including successfully talking Heavy into sacrificing himself for Medic's sake as well as later locking Pyro and Medic in a room with a horde of vicious zombies, but he actually suggested that Engineer helped him RAPE Sniper before he killed him. His just desserts at Engineer's hands were well deserved.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: "I'm not a bloody hippie. I'm a fucking professional."
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Medic giving Soldier ink blot tests.
    • Pyro correctly dictating the voice activation password.
      • Also, "What would Captain Kirk do?"
    • Sniper. Marilyn Monroe. You know the scene.
    • The "bonk" scene with Stumpy, in a horrible, horrible way.
    • Pyro finishing a note to the Medic with 'Love, Pyro'.
    • Heavy spychecking in the prequel.
    • Stumpy thinking Medic and Heavy screaming and moaning was the zombification process, and subsequently moaning along with them.
    • Any time Soldier has a conversation with either Shovel or Colonel Taters.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: Heavy getting stuck in the fence.
  • Memetic Mutation: MEAT BUY NOW
  • Monster Sob Story / Sympathy for the Devil: Despite everything that he did, Engineer still feels sorry for the Spy and still regrets having to kill him. The prologue also has a moment like this, where it's revealed that the Spy knows that his strange use of the disguise technology is really pathetic/depraved, and that he's sunk to what he feels are deplorably low depths. It doesn't stop him from coming across as a Complete Monster, but it stops him from coming across as gleefully evil.

Engineer: “No…not a monster. He wanted us t’ hate him, wanted us t’ think he was a monster, but he wasn’t. He was just a man, flawed as any of us. I saw it there when he was dyin’, an’ that’s somethin’ I’ll never ferget.”

  • Narm: Is it just me, or is it a bit inappropriately amusing when Medic says, “Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein…” the second time Heavy gets stuck in the fence? But you'll stop laughing pretty quickly...
    • It was pretty creepy when the Soldier's shovel started to talk to him...but it's just hilarious when the Soldier has sex with it. Firstly, the situation is so ridiculous that it barrels through squick and ends up Crossing the Line Twice, and secondly, how is it even possible to have sex with a shovel?!
  • Squick: Anything involving zombies eating, Soldier getting it on with Shovel. Literally.
    • From the prequel: Spy's unique uses of the masking technology.
    • While there's nothing wrong with Heavy and Medic having sex, something is very offsettling about them having sex in front of Stumpy.
      • And as for the Prequel, it is every person's prerogative to make up their own mind whether they think scalpels belong in the bedroom...
    • The detailed description of Demo's empty eye socket in the Prequel is a little disturbing. Let's just say that Heavy is one of the few things Medic likes that aren't Squick.
  • Tear Jerker: Many parts, but most notably the abandonment of Heavy. His last dialogue exchange with Medic, Medic's subsequent freakout, and Heroic BSOD only drive it home.
    • You can tell who's read this story by whether or not the mention of Venice makes them choke up.
    • BLU Spy succumbing to zombification.
      • "And then he was home."
    • If Pyro's eventual death from the virus didn't tug at something, you may be as souless as some people see him.
  • True Neutral: This basically seems to be Medic's initial alignment. Then Character Development happens.

Gather round while I sing you of Wernher von Braun,
A man whose allegiance
Is ruled by expedience...

  • Ugly Cute: Stumpy. Despite being down three limbs and having his intestines occasionally fall out, he somehow manages to be adorable, which makes Medic's Mercy Kill more like Shoot the Dog.
  • The Woobie: Medic. AND HOW. It only gets worse as the story goes on, too.
    • BLU Spy has a whole few paragraphs of woobieness to himself. It somehow culminates into possibly one of the most Narm-free uses of the line:

He wanted his mother.

    • Also, Pyro.
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