Resident Evil Code: Veronica/Shout Out
- An early scene in the Rockfort Island training facility involving a survivor in a hazard suit getting crushed against an observation window while Claire watches helplessly is an almost shot-for-shot homage to Return of the Living Dead III. The Bandersnatches were also supposedly based off of the zombie that was in that scene.
- The name 'Bandersnach' comes from Lewis Carroll's work.
- Alfred acting as Alexia is just like Norman Bates.
- Wesker's Lightning Bruiser moves are a shout out to The Matrix. Also, in an ode to Terminator, his eyes flash red behind his sunglasses in one cutscene.
- Another Matrix shout-out is when Steve does a Bullet Time Super Window Jump to save Claire from a Bandersnatch.
- There are a couple shout outs to Metal Gear Solid, such as where Alfred aims his sniper rifle at Claire and when Wesker gets a call on a "codec".
- Alfred's sniper rifle, meanwhile, is a shoutout to Dawn of the Dead.
- Alexia's second One-Winged Angel mutation resembles the breeding form of the Queen Alien from Aliens, with its blob-like ovipositor which she separates from for her final form.
- The blindfolded monster Claire fights at Antarctica? His name is Nosferatu.
- Alexia in general, from her forms, goals, and even her theme music, is one giant shout out to Eve.
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