Renegade (fanfic)/Characters
Characters of the fanfic Renegade. So far, there aren't any major OCs, but the canonical characters have undergone several changes.
(Not related to the TV series Renegade.)
Commander Shepard
A female biotic Commando with the Colonist origin and both the War Hero and Sole Survivor backgrounds. Her Paragon/Renegade status is still unclear.
- Action Girl
- Action Survivor
- Commander Badass
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Against slavers after Elysium, per the Sole Survivor background. When it's explained that she took on a ship full of batarian slavers single-handed ( the cover story, since Nod actually destroyed them), nobody objects.
- Scars Are Forever: Shepard's face is seriously messed up after a close encounter with Scrin buzzers on Akuze.
- Shrug of God: Shepard's appearance is deliberately kept vague, allowing the reader to project whatever image they want onto her face.
Miranda Lawson
An agent of the Brotherhood of Nod. Aids Shepard at Elysium and appears to be one of Kane's trusted assistants.
- Author Appeal: As the author put it, "Miranda + Black Nod Catsuit = VICTORY!"
Lieutenant Kaidan Alenko
A Tiberium mutant and biotic serving alongside Shepard.
- Big Damn Heroes
- Super Strength: being a Tiberium mutant, Kaidan has enormous physical power. He is able to hold a closing hydraulic door open with brute strength, and with a bit of help from his biotics, chuck a two-ton Mini-Mecha through the air.
Lieutenant Jacob Taylor
A GDI Zone Marine on Eden Prime who joins the Normandy's crew after the geth and Scrin attack.
Gunnery Chief Ashley Williams
As in the original timeline, stationed on Eden Prime. Only this time, she's a Zone Marine. Word of God has confirmed that she and Jacob will permanently be switching places in the storyline.
- Action Girl: Obviously.
- Dark Action Girl: If she and Jacob "switch places", that implies she'll turn up again, working for Nod.
Urdnot Wrex
A mercenary serving on Eden Prime.
A turian Spectre who accompanied the Normandy to Eden Prime.
- Doomed by Canon: Subverted so far - Nihlus is still alive.
Garrus Vakarian
A Citadel Spectre, investigating the deaths of a group of quarians in the Wards.
- Badass: Even more so then canon.
- Big Damn Heroes: Saves Shepard and Anderson from some Mercs.
- Cowboy Cop: Even more so than in canon.
- Crazy Awesome: In the author's own words, "An unholy fusion of Jack Bauer and the Kool Aid Man."
- For Want of a Nail: Garrus ended up being a Spectre in this timeline as a result of this. GDI's existence caused the Citadel to expand the number of Spectres, and Garrus took the opportunity when it came up to join after spending only a year in C-Sec. As a result, he doesn't have the restraint that would have been ingrained in him, leading to him being excessively violent and over-the-top when it comes to his job.
- Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: Kneecaps!
- No Kill Like Overkill: Overkill?
- Not So Different: Per Word of God, he's very similar to Saren in methodology. The only difference is that he doesn't kill indiscriminately - he just hands out large numbers of kneecappings.
- There Was a Door: In his own words:
"I've yet to encounter a potentially dangerous situation that can't be defused by smashing through a wall."
The long-dead leader of the Brotherhood of Nod. As of the fifth chapter, he's back - again, and apparently has an interest in Shepard. Apparently he knows at least something about the Reapers, but what he's really up to and what exactly he knows is unclear.
- Big Good: Starting to look like it. At the very least, he actually manages to indirectly that GDI and the Citadel into cooperating against Saren, and warns Shepard about the Reapers.
- The Chessmaster: He even compares Shepard to a pawn in a chess game.
- Word of God is that its a lie. Kane has been out of touch with the galaxy for thousands of years and is scrambling to get information and establish a network now that he is outside of the "closed system" that was Earth, and he is desperate to figure out what's going on. All the indications that Nod is everywhere and he is in complete control are smoke and mirrors.
- Dark Messiah: Well, he is Kane...
- Large Ham: His grand entrance involves the holo-projection rig in the Council chamber and his fan-favorite line "you can't kill the Messiah".
Admiral Nick "Havoc" Parker V
Descendant of Nick "Havoc" Parker, legendary GDI commando and consummate fan of explosions and violence. Head of GDI Special Operations.
- Identical Great-Great-Grandson: His reputation suggests he's basically the same Havoc we know and love from Tiberium Wars
- No Kill Like Overkill: Shepard observed that "orbital bombardment is his first resort" and that he's disappointed if less than two buildings have been destroyed before a mission is complete.
Zaeed Massani
Human mercenary hired by the Shadow Broker to deal with Fist and recover the data possessed by Tali's group.
- Ace Pilot: At least when it comes to walkers.
- Badass: An entire factory of mercenaries, with drone mechs and two well-armed walkers is little more than a speed bump for him.
- Combat Pragmatist: Zaeed has no issues with "cheating" in combat.
- Dynamic Entry: Enters the factory being used by Saren's mercenaries with a car bomb through the front doors, followed by driving a Wolverine mech through the gap.
- Hired Guns
- Mini-Mecha: His REV12 Wolverine
- Noodle Incident: For some reason he blew up "one very unlucky dirigible" at some point.
- Stuff Blowing Up
Tali'Zorah vas Neema
Quarian engineer who was part of a team that was trying to bring critical evidence regarding Saren's activities to a contact on the Citadel. Pay attention to her full name - it not being "nar Rayya" is intentional.
- Adaptational Badass: Tali was still badass in her own way in canon, but she's a hell of a lot more dangerous in this fic. Between her cloak, her gadgets, and Nod laser weapons, she's surprisingly badass.
- Damsel in Distress: Inverted. In this timeline, she's rescuing Kal'Reegar.
- Frickin' Laser Beams
- Gadgeteer Genius: Even moreso than in canon.
- Invisibility Cloak
- Spy Catsuit: Her suit is a combination of this and a Latex Space Suit.
- Stealth Expert: Coupled with her gadgets, she's pretty much the quarian equivalent of Sam Fisher.