
The Ren'Py Visual Novel Engine is a free software engine which facilitates the creation of Visual Novels, a form of computer-mediated storytelling. Ren'Py is a portmanteau of ren'ai (恋愛), the Japanese word for 'love', a common element of Visual Novel - genre for which Ren'Py is made; and Python, the programming language that Ren'Py runs on. Ren'Py has proved attractive to English-language hobbyists; over 1000 games use the Ren'Py engine, nearly all in English. See that large, categorized and tagged list on Ren'Py site.

Repositories for some Linux distributions (at least Debian and Ubuntu) offer ready to install RenPy with everything the engine needs (including fonts), as well as a few games for it.

Tropes used in Ren'Py include:
Games using Ren'Py include: created by Ren'Py include:
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