< Remember 11
Remember 11/Characters
Fuyukawa Kokoro
Voiced by: Rika Morinaga
- Driven to Suicide: In one Bad Ending, where she feels she's responsible for Yuni and Yomogi's deaths.
- Freaky Friday Flip: With Satoru and the male twin.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Satoru's Blue.
Yukidoh Satoru
Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: One theory states that the original Satoru, I, became one with "Self" at the beginning of the game, after he fell off the clock tower.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Freaky Friday Flip: With Kokoro and the male twin.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Though he tends to remember a bit more than most examples.
- To elaborate: He only remembers the facts that Kokoro knows from her route -- for example, he remembers his break-up with Lin, but not their relationship.
- Mad Scientist: His past, true self had traits of this.
- The Man Behind the Man: The one behind Enomoto and Yuni.
- Memory Gambit: It turns out his past self, I, is the true mastermind behind the events of the game, and took his memories with him while implanting a few in the new Satoru's mind.
- Morality Pet: To Lin.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Kokoro's Red.
- Talking to Himself: Happens literally in Bad Ending #28.
- The Smart Guy
- Tomato in the Mirror: It turns out that the body he's inhabiting is actually Enomoto's. The Infinity Series Timeline explains that the two of them switched bodies via quantum teleportation in July 2011, but the reason is never given.
Kusuda Yuni
Voiced by: Junko Minagawa
- Cheerful Child: Most of the time.
- Creepy Child: He has his moments.
- Cute Shotaro Boy
- Obfuscating Stupidity: The Yuni at the cabin is from the future, and already knows everything that's going to happen.
- Time Travel: He uses the transfers to switch his 2011 and 2012 selves.
- Took a Level In Badass: His 2011 self is a scared kid who has no clue what's going on and often lashes out at Kokoro/Satoru. In between the 2011 and 2012 incident, he joins up with Satoru and Enomoto, and after learning everything there is to know about the incident, he matures greatly.
Mayuzumi Lin
Voiced by: Megumi Toyoguchi
- Arranged Marriage: Has been set up for one by her family, which is the reason she had to break up with Satoru.
- Asshole Victim: In Bad End #8.
- Ax Crazy: In three different Bad Ends.
- Jerkass
- The Load
- Rich Bitch
- The Scrappy: Both in-universe and out. The only one who doesn't treat her like this is Satoru.
- Tsundere: Dere to Satoru, tsun to everyone else in the world.
Yomogi Seiji
Voiced by: Masashi Ebara
- Ax Crazy: His breakdown and behavior in Bad End #8 is truly terrifying.
- It's All My Fault: Blames himself for his son Junichi's death, both for buying the bicycle that got him sent to the Awazumi hospital and for not staying the night with Junichi.
- Madness Mantra: "I won't let anyone die any more." in Bad Ending #8.
- Team Dad
Utsumi Kali
Voiced by: Aya Hisakawa
- Absurdly Youthful Mother: She gave birth to Junichi when she was 14. The Drama CD makes it clear, however, that this was an accident, and Yomogi immediately took responsibility.
- But Not Too Foreign: Half-Indian, half-Japanese.
- Darkskinned Blonde: Her hair is white though.
- It's Personal: Came to SPHIA to kill Keiko in revenge for her son's death.
- Murder-Suicide: In both of the Bad Ends following her succeeding in her plan to kill Keiko.
- Rescue Romance: Her relationship with Yomogi is the result of this, as he saved her life when he found her on a trip to Nepal.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge/Unstoppable Rage: She flips and tries to kill Hotori towards the end of Satoru's route. In an associated Bad End, she kills both Satoru, Hotori, and herself (and Kokoro, indirectly).
- Stepford Smiler
- Team Mom
- Yamato Nadeshiko: A rather unstable version.
- Yandere
Suzukage Hotori/Inubushi Keiko
Voiced by: Akane Tomonaga
- Abusive Parents: Speculated to be the cause behind her DID, though it's never confirmed.
- Ax Crazy: One of her personalities, which is the one that caused the Awazumi Massacre.
- Cheerful Child/Creepy Child: She jumps between both.
- Freaky Friday Flip: With Hotori and the female twin.
- Knife Nut
- Split Personality: Is said to have 11 separate personalities.
- Mood Swinger: May also be this, via...
- Split Personality Merge: Speculated to go through one shortly before the game's beginning, as she doesn't as much change personalities as changes moods.
- The Voiceless: In Kokoro's route only.
Spoiler Characters (unmarked spoilers)
Enomoto Naoya
Voiced by: Shunsaku Nishigaki
- Ax Crazy: Both of the times that he tries to kill Satoru (in SPHIA and in Apoptosis), he seems to relish the idea way too much for it to be considered just part of the job for him.
- Continuity Nod: He is working for Leiblich Pharmaceuticals.
- Ho Yay: With Satoru.
- The Man Behind the Curtain
- Mr. Exposition: He literally shows up out of nowhere in Satoru's route to explain how the transfer phenomenon works, then is killed off almost immediately afterwards by the twins.
- One-Scene Wonder: Only shows up alive in a grand total of two scenes in the game (one of them being in a Bad Ending), but his scenes are amongst the most memorable.
- Smug Snake: Treats Satoru with a very condescending attitude, but when it comes down to it, he was merely "original" Satoru's pawn.
- Tomato in the Mirror: The body he's in is actually Satoru's, and vice-versa.
- Villainous Breakdown: Flies into rage when Satoru attempts to destroy the quantum teleportation equipment.
Suzukage Hotori
Voiced by: Akane Tomonaga
- Freaky Friday Flip: With Keiko and the female twin.
- The Ghost: She is never seen, except for one scene in each route.
- Heroic BSOD: Briefly, after finding herself with a bloody knife over Enomoto's body.
- Shrinking Violet: According to the TIPS.
- The Voiceless: Caused by living through the plane crash. She apparently gets better by the end of the game, but loses speech again after surviving the avalanche.
- What Could Have Been: An entire sprite sheet for her is in the game's data, suggesting that perhaps she was to play a more important role in the game proper.
Yukidoh Sayaka
Voiced by: Akane Tomonaga
- All There in the Manual: Practically everything known about her is only taken from the TIPS, Infinity Series Timeline, and speculation.
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: Possibly.
- Creepy Child
- Dead Little Sister: For Satoru.
- One-Scene Wonder: She only appears for about a minute in the actual game.
- Posthumous Character
- Self-Made Orphan: One of her personalities murdered her parents.
- Split Personality: It's implied that the second personality is Keiko.
- Split Personality Takeover: It's also implied that Keiko did this to her.
- What Could Have Been: A lot of unused sprites for her are found in the game's data, also indicating that she was to appear more often.
Yomogi twins
- Ambiguous Innocence: While their actions are very questionable, they literally know nothing, and therefore aren't aware of what they're doing is wrong.
- Fetus Terrible: Subverted too. As mentioned before, they aren't aware of what they're doing or that it's wrong, and are just acting like babies would if they had adult bodies.
- Freaky Friday Flip: The male twins is the "third personality" in Kokoro and Satoru's exchanges; although only Satoru becomes aware of it very late into his route. The female twin is the same for Hotori and Keiko.
- Half-Identical Twins: To the point that even though Utsumi has separate photographs of them, Satoru can't tell them apart and assumes it's just one baby at first.
- Infant Immortality: Possibly subverted. The last time we see them, Inubushi is holding the girl on the edge of a cliff with a crazed look on her face. However, as we never see what happens next, we don't know whether this is played straight or subverted.
- Spanner in the Works: To Enomoto.
- The Unintelligible: While we never hear them "speak", the accounts from the others seem to indicate that when they go through their colic, they scream out unintelligibly (Justified, as they don't know how to speak).
- A God Is You: Very similar to Blickwinkel in this regard.
- Playing the Player
- Reality Warper: When "it" sees Sayaka in Satoru's flashback and confuses her for Keiko, Sayaka "dies" and becomes Keiko.
- Stable Time Loop: Is caught in one, due to Satoru's plan.
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