< Reluctant Fanservice Girl
Reluctant Fanservice Girl/Playing With
Basic Trope: Character (usually female) who tends to end up (partially) naked against their will.
- Straight: Alice is a prude who is prone to Clothing Damage.
- Exaggerated: Alice never wears anything remotely revealing, but gets almost totally naked through Clothing Damage Once an Episode, only being spared total nudity through Magic Pants.
- Downplayed: Alice gets a little bit of Clothing Damage in a fight where most of her teammates also do.
- Justified: Alice is Nigh Invulnerable. Her superhero costume, not so much so.
- Inverted: Alice hates clothing, but circumstances conspire to clothe her.
- Subverted: Alice has appeared to be a prude for most of the series, then dresses up in a Stripperific outfit to go to a party, making the audience question how accidental her earlier immodesty was.
- Double Subverted: Alice's party outfit was suggested and prepared by her friend Betty, who she is now very pissed at.
- Parodied:
- Alice dresses up in multi-layered winter clothing and body armour for her group's next fight. And ends up in a bra and panties by the end of it.
- Emperor Evulz' latest evil scheme is to get Alice scantily clad. Just like the last three before it. And Alice is a Failure Hero.
- Deconstructed:
- Reconstructed:
- Zig Zagged:
- Averted: Nobody gets forced into an uncomfortable clothing situation.
- Enforced: We need more Fan Service, but we can't have the viewers seeing any of our characters as sluts. Hey, I know! Let's add a few Contrived Coincidences!
- Lampshaded: "Oh, come on! Why is it always my shirt?!"
- Invoked: The Nudifier.
- Exploited: Defeat by Modesty.
- Defied: Alice gets a custom superhero costume almost as resilient as her.
- Discussed: "And Alice gets blasted again. Binoculars, boys!"
- Conversed: "Of course, Alice gets hit with the raygun..." "Who else? Someone who might get an ugly burn?"
- Played For Laughs: Alice is prone to Clothing Damage and has a tattoo reading "not again!" on her cleavage. The camera always showcases it.
- Played For Drama:
Quick! Back to Reluctant Fanservice Girl before Evulz' Wave Motion Gun is done charg- OH COME ON, MY SHIRT!
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