< Rejected
- Crowning Moment of Funny:
- "My spoon is too big."
- Silly Hats ONLY
- The Non Sequiturs from Those Two Guys, at least until things get freaky.
- "You're watching The Family Learning Channel. And now, Angry Ticks Fire Out of My Nipples."
- "My anus is bleeding!" Admit it, you laughed.
- "I am the queen of France!" as scary as it was, the way he said it and the little dance he did to go with it made it pretty darn hilarious.
- Crosses the Line Twice: "My anus is bleeding! D:" "Yaaaaaaaay! 8D"
- Memetic Mutation: And how!
- ...And no, that's not the thing you'll see a lot on this wiki. That's where it came from.
- "My spoon is too big" seems to have been incorporated into the Bleach fandom, as a giant spoon seems to unintentionally accurately describe a villain in that series.
- Nightmare Fuel:
- The end of Rejected. The bleeding anus sequence from the same short would be this if it weren't so damn hilarious.
- While it doesn't seem to have been created to scare its viewers, there are some definite nightmare fuel-inducing scenes, including the "I am the queen of France" scene and the scene Painting the Fourth Wall scene at the end.
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