< Red Ones Go Faster
Red Ones Go Faster/Playing With
Basic Trope: An object colored red will appear to move more quickly than normal.
- Straight: Bob's race car is red. It regularly outruns other race cars that are not also red.
- Exaggerated: Bob's race car can break the sound barrier by the virtue of being red.
- Downplayed: Red race cars have a small but statistically significant margin of advantage.
- Justified: Bob is a driver at Ferrari, which has the technological lead this season.
- Inverted: Bob's car is red, and the slowest.
- Subverted: Bob's red race car is the slowest car on the track.
- Double Subverted: But the other red cars are the fastest.
- Parodied: Bob's race car is not only red, but is covered with flame decals and leaves flame trails and a visible Redshift where it drives.
- Zig Zagged: The red paint's speed-enhancing powers randomly turn on and off at the start of each race.
- Averted: The movie is in black and white, and no one mentions what color anything is supposed to be.
- Enforced: "Wouldn't it be funny if the racers had a silly superstition about color red that was actually true?"
- Lampshaded: ???
- Invoked: Speedonicus, the god of fast things, decides to grant his blessing over his favorite color.
- Exploited: Bob paints his car red to win the race.
- Defied: Bob decides that he wants to race fairly and paints his car blue.
- Discussed: "Have you noticed that in every race in the past fifty years the winner has been a red car?"
- Conversed: ???
- Deconstructed: Every racer paints their car red in order to go faster, and so do all the armies to their tanks and intercontinental missiles. The international situation frays because with a pure enough red color, it will be possible to nuke another country without the other country detecting the missiles before they have arrived to their targets.
- Reconstructed: Scientists discover the powers of other colors, allowing them to nullify the warlike uses of red with green force fields. Red spaceships open the space for colonization.
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