Red Heat

Ridzik: About this pile-of-shit pimp in here. In this country, we try to protect the rights of individuals. It's called the Miranda Act, and it says that you can't even touch his ass.
Danko: I do not want to touch his ass. I want to make him talk!
Red Heat is a 1988 action film directed by Walter Hill and produced by Carolco Pictures.
After failing to catch the Georgian drug dealer Viktor Rostavili (shortened to "Rosta"), who shot his partner in the process, Soviet cop Ivan Danko (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is tasked to follow Rosta into the United States and bring him back. There Danko is forced to be a partner to the loose cannon Chicago cop Art Ridzik (James Belushi), and they both have learn to work together.
- The Backwards R: Used on the opening credits.
- Bald Black Leader Guy: Abdul Elijah, leader of The Cleanheads.
- Bald of Evil: The Cleanheads.
- Big Bad: Rosta.
- Bottomless Magazines: Rosta manages to fire several shots with a single-shot derringer in a row.
- Same with Danko's Smith & Wesson, which can shoot 18 times without reloading.
- Celebrity Resemblance: One Cleanhead reminds Ridzik about a boxer.
Ridzik: You look like Marvin Hagler. I lost money on Hagler!
- Cowboy Cop: Ridzik.
- Donut Mess with a Cop:
Ridzik: I'm gonna get us something from all four food groups: hamburgers, french fries, coffee and doughnuts.
- Fanservice Extra: Plenty of them in the opening sauna scenes.
- Fish Out of Water
- Guns Akimbo: Rosta during the motel shootout.
- Hand Cannon: Danko's fictional Podbyrin 9.2mm Pistol.
- Later he has to switch for a Magnum .44, which doesn't impress him much.
Ridzik: Captain Danko, congratulations. You are now the proud owner of the most powerful handgun in the world.
Danko: Soviet Podbyrin, 9.2 milimeter, is world's most powerful handgun.
Ridzik: Oh, come on, everybody knows the .44 Magnum is the big boy on the block. Why do you think Dirty Harry uses it?
Danko: Who is Dirty Harry?
- Husky Russkie: Danko.
- In Memoriam: The film is dedicated to its stunt coordinator, Bennie E. Dobbins, who died from a heart attack on the set.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Both Danko and Ridzik. Danko while stern and straight faced throughout the whole movie, genuinely wanted to help Cat Menzetti when she feared Rosta would kill her. With Ridzik, he's more open about his Jerkass antics, but still tries to be a good cop none the less. These two get along despite differing political views at the time.
- The Informant: Streak.
- The Mafiya: Georgian drug cartel.
- Market-Based Title: The film was character titled to Danko in Italy.
- Not Even Bothering with the Accent: Arnold's accent doesn't sound American, which was enough for him to play a Russian.
- Nothing Up My Sleeve: Rosta has a hidden derringer in his sleeve.
- Odd Couple: Danko and Ridzik.
- Prophet Eyes: Elijah, who is blind.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Danko has a pet bird and he isn't happy when Ridzik says that it would be more fitting for a girl.
- Shared Universe: With Extreme Prejudice (which was directed by Walter Hill), as both feature a Man in White named Lupo.
- Two First Names: Abdul Elijah.
- Vodka Drunkenski
Commander Donnelly: Since I figure cops are cops the world over, how do you Soviets deal with all the tension and stress?
Danko: Vodka.