Red Dead Revolver

Red Dead Revolver is a third-person shooter from 2004, developed by Rockstar Games after sitting in Capcom's Development Hell for a while.

You play as Red Harlow, who after being violently orphaned at a young age becomes a bounty hunter in classic Man With No Name tradition, hunting down colorful outlaws for whatever money he can get for them. A chance encounter puts him on the trail of the man behind the death of his parents, and the game climaxes in a huge battle to finally bring him to justice.

Sound vaguely familiar? That's because the game's an extended homage to the classic Spaghetti Western, as least as much as its predecessor Max Payne was to film noir. A lot of effort went into the atmosphere, including giving an oversaturated and 'grainy' cinematic quality to the visuals and building a fantastic score heavily influenced by (and almost indistinguishable from) Ennio Morricone's best.

Despite having very little hype and a disjointed production poking into the gameplay here and there, with its superb atmosphere, large and memorable cast and extremely fun multi-player on its side Red Dead Revolver got good reviews and became something of a Cult Classic. In 2010, it was followed by the huge hit and critical darling Red Dead Redemption, which borrowed the game's Western setting but gave it a sandbox framework.

Tropes used in Red Dead Revolver include:
  • Acquired Poison Immunity: The same snake oil that Professor Perry's poisoned entire communities with (and makes anyone else putrefy if they get it on their skin) apparently acts as a Super Serum on the man himself.
  • Action Girl: Annie Stoakes.
    • Dark Action Girl: Whip-crazy Bad Bessie and Christina, the shotgun-toting lady stripper.
  • All There in the Manual: Background information for about everything can only found in the in-game journal, which is filled by buying various items.
  • Alliterative Name: "Blind" Willy Wilson.
  • Ancestral Weapon: The Scorpion Revolver.
  • Annoying Arrows
  • Arbitrary Gun Power
  • The Archer: Shadow Wolf.
  • Arm Cannon: Colonel Daren has one after certain events in the beginning of the game.
  • Arrows on Fire: Shadow Wolf's special move.
  • Artificial Stupidity: The AI is quite buggy in places. Most notably, Annie Stoakes (when you have her as an ally in single player) has an annoying habit of shooting you in the back with her explosive special ability - usually while shouting "Keep going, Red!" - and there are several multi-player maps where AI opponents will just stand around where they spawn or time-consumingly climb to high places.
  • Awesome but Impractical: Molotov cocktails, poison bottles and dynamite. Although they're very dangerous, they're lofted with a lazy underarm action that makes hitting a moving target almost impossible. The latter also has an extremely long fuse.
    • Several character-specific special abilities in multi-player also cross into this.
  • Awesome Yet Practical: The exquisite pair of Scorpion pistols that Nate Harlow and Griff have custom-made are also the most powerful in the game. One bullet was enough to sever Colonel Daren's left arm from its socket.
  • Badass Beard Of Evil: Diego, who's also a Badass Grandpa.
  • Badass Boast: See You Shall Not Pass down below.
  • Badass Mustache: Jack Swift and Sheriff Bartlett, among others.
  • Bandito
  • Bayonet Ya: The Bayonet Rifle
  • Big Bad: Governor Griffon, your father's former partner, who sold you and your family out to Diego and Daren, and used the proceeds to become Governor.
  • Big Fancy House: The second-to-last level takes place in one of these
  • Bling Bling Bang: The Widowmaker revolver is one pimped out piece.
  • Bond One-Liner: Jack Swift after killing knife-thrower Clyde 'The Blade' Slade: "I think you've lost your edge."
    • Jack Swift after killing fire-eater 'Lightning' Larouche: "What an extinguished fellow."
  • Book Safe: You can purchase a "Hollowed Bible" from a merchant in the game. It has no in-game use, but it unlocks a journal page.
  • Booze-Based Buff: Buying Red Eye Whiskey will increase your maximum Dead Eye.
  • Bounty Hunter: Red and Jack are heroic types.
  • Bullet Time
  • Bullfight Boss: Sam.
    • Annie Stoakes also faces a pair of buffalo-riding outlaws who can cause her cattle to go nuts and try to flatten her, making them a literal example.
  • Captain Ersatz: Mr. Kelley has an adopted daughter named Natalie who he's training to be a gunfighter like himself. If Red speaks to her in the saloon, she will sometimes say:
  • The Cavalry: Inverted. They show up at the usual time, but they're on the Big Bad's payroll.
  • The Chief's Daughter: Falling Star, Red's mother.
  • Circus of Fear: Dr. Perry leads one of these.
  • Colonel Badass: Colonel Daren doesn't let having his left arm severed stop him from being Diego's right-hand man; he receives a cannon as a prosthetic replacement. He's also responsible for murdering Red's parents and his cousin.
  • Cool Guns
  • Crowd Panic: During his boss battle Mr. Kelley starts unloading at random into the citizens of Brimstone, causing them to scream and run all over the place. This makes it very hard to get a clean shot at him.
  • The Dandy: Jack Swift.
  • Dark Action Girl: Bad Bessie.
  • Death Mountain: Rogue Valley.
  • Damsel in Distress: Sheriff O'Grady's daughter.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: The bridge in the level where you play as General Diego looks exactly like the bridge towards the end of The Good, The Bad And The Ugly. Both of them are even blown up!
  • The Dragon: Colonel Daren to General Diego.
    • Also Jason Cornet to Governor Griffon, to the extent that the former is the last bodyguard Red faces before going up against Griffon himself.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Though it is implied, Jack Swift is apparently killed off entirely offscreen at the end of the game. You don't even see the fight that kills him; he just goes off with Annie and doesn't come back. However, in Red Dead Redemption there is mention of him, as well as being able to use him in mutli-player.
  • Dual Boss: Happens very frequently in the game.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Jesse Lynch.
  • Escort Mission: The Siege -level.
  • Finger Gun: Young Red does this at the opening of the first level.
  • Fisticuffs Level: One level sees you start a bar fight, in which you can only use your fists and strategically wielded bottles.
  • Flare Gun: General Diego's special move, which is used to guide cannonfire in his level.
  • Four-Star Badass: General Diego.
  • Funny Foreigner: Gabriel Navarro, Mexican gunfighter and barfly.

"Keel heem, and let's get back to dreenking!"

General Diego: I have a case of cigars and a case of tequila, and I'm not going anywhere!

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