< Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption/Nightmare Fuel

  • Most of the Stranger quest chains will end with this. For example, the old man collecting flowers for his wife is keeping her decaying corpse in his house.
      • Go back inside the house afterwards. Her head will simply fall off.
    • The mission "American Appetites".
      • 'Course, it sort of loses its edge when you whip out your double-barreled shotgun and kill the cannibal without him even putting up a fight. That line's genuinely creepy, though...
    • An old woman begs you to find her fiancee. You ask around and discover where he is. Simple, right? Wrong. Turns out the man is dead and buried, his tombstone reading that he died from a concussion. The old lady is never seen again.
  • All of "I Know You" especially when you figure out who the strange man possibly is and what he meant with his final words.
  • Seth Briars' backstory and what he says during the game; basically, he went from a normal guy with a family to a grave robbing lunatic. One that doesn't bathe, speaks to himself as if he has multiple personalities and is in search of a treasure that may or may not be what he's looking for. Showing what an obsession can do people and how far they might go to fulfill it.
    • The man talks to corpses. Even John is squicked out by this.
  • What about the mission Spare the Rod, Spoil the Bandit? When you finally shoot off the wood that's keeping the barn door closed, there's a cutscene of a naked body swinging on the barn rafters. Worse...there is a woman in there, so she spent who know how long terrified with the naked corpse of her friend/relative before John and the deputies could reach her. After the ordeal, you see the women, huddled together and they're traumatized, their faces are bloodied and bruised and their shirts are torn.
    • You know what makes that whole mission even worse? Those 3 women you save are the LUCKY ones! Everyone else is either dead, tortured and dead, or raped and dead. They are the only ones you were able to save, possibly after they themselves have been tortured/raped, and you almost didn't even manage that! Try not to think about how often something like this may have happened in the Real Life old west...
  • The unbelievable ease of literally getting away with murder is sort of indicative of the corruption of the area. Shoot an innocent man as he pleads for you not to kill him? You can pay off your bounty with less than half the money it cost you to buy the gun. You can commit some of the worst atrocities imaginable (although game mechanics keep you from doing some of the really messed-up stuff), and so long as you have the cash (possibly looted from the corpse of your victim) you're not going to suffer at all for it. Sort of shows how crappy the legal system is in RDR-world, eh?
  • John Marston's Last Stand against the people who had tormented him into going back into his old life after kidnapping his family. And there's nothing you are able to do to stop it, only just watch.
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