Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare/Headscratchers

  • It Just Bugs Me that they start the game with the unsaid promise that there'll have more mythical creatures. I mean, fairly early there is the sasquatch mission, and you get the horses and all, but from then on, it's just zombies all the way. Oh and a chupacabra apparently, but I haven't seen it yet. I wish they'd add at least a couple more mythical beings or just use supernatural stuff to explain how a few aspects of the original game could work, like for example, see how there are no trains working except for the crossing border mission? I kept expecting a ghost train to appear, but no luck. There is also the fact the game doesn't manage to kept it's vibe for long; the first city has ominous messages scribbled on the walls, and well, it's the only time the game tries to be remotely serious, the rest of the game being mostly goofy.
    • Apparently the horses of apocalypse and a unicorn dont count either.
    • Well, I think the mythical creature quota was filled pretty nicely, and a ghost train wouldn't really fit since it isn't a creature. As for the seriousness of the game, John was clearly concerned for his wife and kid, and constantly muttered phrases of despair and desperation. Sure, the game threw in some jokes and tongue-in-cheek moments, but those were mostly in cutscenes. Random encounters and Missing Persons missions are taken pretty seriously.
  • Even though sanity and reason have left the world, it's odd that people are so nonchalant when John comes riding up on a mythical steed (especially War, who's on fire). This is doubly true when John returns as a zombie but no one shoots him on sight, treating him as just another guy.
    • While alive, John was one of the most badass people these characters knew, so much he could ride the horses of Apocalypse. When he comes back as a Zombie and is capable of using guns Who in their right mind would want to try to kill him!? W Ho would have the balls to even think that trying to kill what is quite possibly the messanger of death right now would be a good idea? Same as the Prototype deal, people are more scared of what you would do if they gave you a reason rather than what you might do for fun.
      • It might because Marston has already completed the main game, thus earning the highest possible fame and possibly honor. Either way, seeing the most famously lethal person in existence ride up dead on a flaming horse isn't something most people would want to shoot at.
        • It could also be because he's the only zombie who uses a gun.
        • I drew the conclusion since it states that he is still possessing the soul of a man while being undead, I thought regular people didn't see him as being undead Marston but rather as human (alive) Marston. That our that just knew he is still a good guy.
  • After you complete the main story, John dies offscreen. This is implied to be his death from the main game, when he is killed by Ross. But why would Ross still be after Marston? Even assuming Ross survived, 90% of civilization is gone. He'd have bigger fish to fry.
    • Or not. Basically, if society is going to hell, you might as well kill a few demons if there isn't a chance of survival.
    • Just because some of the civilisation was lost doesn't mean Ross and the bureau will stop in their mission to "civilise" the remaining part of the old west. Oh no, in fact they might even see this as an opportunity, with most of the population dead (that counting most criminals also) it is actually easier to start a new set of more civilised society, and John is still despite all his current action seen as public menace because off his past deeds.
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