Red Alert 3: Paradox/Characters
Red Alert 3 Paradox has a good many characters appearing in-lore or in-game. Those are usually important politicians, commanders and commandos, generals and officers serving in the various armies.
Allied Nations
Rupert Thornley
Field Marshall Gunter Von Esling
General Erwin Rommel
Field Marshall Nikos Stavros
General René Lyon
Field Marshall Robert Bingham
Air Marshall Curtis Le May
Field Marshall Alex Manning
- Easy Logistics: Is an expert at providing it, and wins wars with superior supply chains.
- Non-Entity General: In the original game.
- Five Star Badass
- Word of Gay
General Warren Fuller
Air Marshal Giles Price II.
Major Lissette Hanley
- Action Girl
- Ax Crazy: Commited into an insane asylum for attempting to make a garden with statues made of cryo-frozen enemies.
Douglas Hill
Major Lydia Winters
- Brainy Brunette
- Meganekko
- The Smart Girl: She is the founder of the Athena Sat Net.
- Smart People Wear Glasses
Major Seraina Lar
Major Ralph Volte
- Player Character: Possibly.
Commando Tanya Adams
- Action Girl
- Bare Your Midriff
- Guns Akimbo
- Gun Twirling
- The Gunslinger
- Time Travel: Can travel back a few seconds in time, this regenerates her as well.
Dr. Wernher Von Braun
- Historical Badass Upgrade: Up to over 9000. In real life he was just a talented aerospace engineer, but in the Red Alert universe, he became an Ironman Expy. After he and his family was kidnapped and forced to design weapons for the Soviets, he managed to escape by creating a personalized rocket pack, launching himself high into the air and wreaked havoc on the guards, even managing to kill the commando Boris in the process. He then became the super hero Captain Rocket and spends the rest of the war being an one-man army fighting to Soviets.
Soviet Union
Premier Cima Len Davidova
- Everything's Better with Chocolate: A strong proponent.
- Iron Lady
- Non-Entity General: In the original game.
- Smart People Play Formation
- The Political Officer: Cross-trained as a Commissar
- Token Good Teammate: She is one of the the few high ranking members of the Soviet government that: (1) Isn't a total murderous Jerkass that suffers from Chronic Backstabbing Disorder; (2) Sincerely believe in the ideals of socialism and is work toward combating the hypocrisy and corruption within the system; (3) Genuinely work towards improving the standard of living for the common Soviet citizen.
Commando Natasha Volkova
- Action Girl
- Badass Grandpa: Volkov from the first Red Alert is this to Natasha.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Cold Sniper
- Glorious Mother Russia: Believes heavily in this.
- One-Hit Polykill
- Zettai Ryouiki: On artwork, she often wears the hotpants variant of this.
Empire of the Rising Sun
Emperor Shirow Kamina
- Confusion Fu: The resident master.
- Cool Shades
- Cyborg
- Non-Entity General: In the original game.
- Shout-Out: His given name is a reference to Shirow Masamune, his surname name to Gurren Lagann, and much of his characterization to Ender's Game.
- The Emperor
- Trickster Archetype
Commando Yuriko Omega
- A God Am I: Inverted. Everyone who does not fear her (mainly Emperor Kamina and staff) thinks she should take the role of a goddess (of war no less) but Yuriko only lamments her powers. Considering her tragic back story filled with constant abuse, this is understandable.
- Ax Crazy: Often depicted as this.
- Batman Can Breathe in Space: At one point she propels herself straight into space to punch out a Kill Sat that scorched her arm.
- Creepy Child
- Cursed with Awesome: She lamments her powers, mainly because everyone only wants her to fight against their enemies.
- Cute and Psycho
- Dark Action Girl
- Girlish Pigtails
- Hair Decorations
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- Little Miss Badass
- 90% of Your Brain
- Person of Mass Destruction: You do NOT want to mess with this school girl.
- Power Limiter: Without it, she would be unbeatable.
- Psychic Powers: Her MO. Can crush house-sized tanks into tin cans this way.
- Reality Warper: What she would be without the Power Limiter.
- Sailor Fuku
- Tsundere: Yandere is also possible.
- Your Mind Makes It Real: Yuriko is fully aware that Psychic Powers work on this principle and only a Power Limiter prevents her from using them in ways other than what the Imperial officials want.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Grade B.
Confederate Revolutionaries
President Howard T. Ackerman
- Actually a Doombot: This was found out after his death.
- Killed Off for Real
- Our Presidents Are Different: President Action.
President Dennis Hoffhassle
- David Hasselhoff
- Non-Action Guy: Except you count the job of life-saver as action filled.
- Our Presidents Are Different
General of the Army Benjamin Carville
- Bald of Awesome/Bald of Evil: Hard to say which.
- Five Star Badass
- Historical In-Joke: He appeared in Red Alert 1 and 2 working for the Allies.
- Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: Subverted. The Allies merely took away his official rank for defecting to the rebels.
Colonel Wolfgang Krause
- Colonel Badass
- Historical Domain Character: A weird case. In Real Life he was a moderately known German politician, in Paradox he is basicly Solid Snake.
- Improbable Age: He's 33 and a senior special-ops commander?
- We Are Not the Wehrmacht: A rogue German army operative.
Colonel Christian Therrian III
- Colonel Badass
- Eagle Land: Representing Type One.
- Fiction 500: Therrian Oil isn't just an oil company, it's the oil company. He ends up siding with the Confederates when the Allies come around to do some monopoly breaking.
- Everything Is Big in Texas: Where he's from.
- Non-Idle Rich: Helps bankroll the Confederacy while fighting for it.
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Southern Gentleman
Colonel Patricia "Goliad" Jones
- Badass Boast: To the Allies before the Curb Stomp Battle below.
- Colonel Badass
- Curb Stomp Battle: Earned her nickname after inflicting one of these on the Allies.
- The Smurfette Principle: The token female Confederate commander.
- Yanks With Tanks: She's an officer from the Florida National Guard who joined the Confederacy.
Commando Dixie
- Action Girl
- Deep South: Deliberately styled as a pin-up girl from the Deep South.
- The Engineer
- Farmer's Daughter
- Nice Hat
- Southern-Fried Genius
- Wrench Wench: And a very good one at that.
Order of the Talon
Banneret Albin Canavan
- Colonel Badass
- Fighting Irish: Ex-IRA, at that.
- Improbable Age: One of the Order's senior military leaders and he's not even 30.
- Military Maverick:
Domina Arianna Matella
- Action Girl
- Attack! Attack! Attack!: The Order's most directly aggressive commander.
- Colonel Badass
- Improbable Age: Slightly older than Canavan, but still very, very young for her job.
- Kill It with Fire: Stated to love flamethrowers.
Saint Veritan the Thunderer
- A Father to His Men: And thanks to Talon veterancy upgrades, this is a good deal scarier for the enemy than it seems.
- Colonel Badass
- Cool Old Guy: He's 83 and still fighting.
- Military Maverick: He used to be this, but has since settled down.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: "The Thunderer".
- Only Sane Man: Seems to be developing into the most level-headed and diplomatic of the Order's senior leadership.
Sir Harold Moore
- Colonel Badass
- Defector From Decadence: A former Allied officer who was used as a scapegoat for the quagmire of Vietnam.
- Eagle Land: Represents Type 1
- Happily Married
- Historical Domain Character
- The Knights Hospitallers: He's one of them.
- Yanks With Tanks: A colonel in the 101st Airborne before he joined the Order.
Deirdre Winters
- Mission Control: Appears to be this for the Order.
- Sassy Secretary
- Invisible to Gaydar: Romantically involved with Okamura below.
- Violent Glaswegian: Heavily subverted. She's Scottish, but she's a secretary and intel liaison.
- Voice with an Internet Connection: Apparently.
Masoko Okamura
- Asian and Nerdy: Rare female variant.
- Defector From Decadence: She's Japanese, but considers the Empire of the Rising Sun to be corrupt and decadent.
- Rebellious Princess: Not a princess, but from a wealthy and influential family.
- The Engineer: The variant who stays at headquarters and builds new weapons. She specializes in naval technology.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Lampshaded and averted.
Commando Lady Maria
- Armor Is Useless: Averted big-time. She's the only commando to wear full body armor, and she's by far the most durable commando as a result, plus she can't be squished by anything, including rogue Crawlers.
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: Her sword can cut tanks.
- Action Girl
- Ambiguously Brown
- Chainmail Bikini: Lampshaded and averted. She wears full plate.
- Cool Sword
- Helmets Are Hardly Heroic
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Jeanne D'Archetype
- Lady of War
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me
- Powered Armor: Wears a suit of Clock Punk powered full plate.
- Raised by Dudes
- Winged Humanoid: Subverted. Only her armour has wings.
- Wings Do Nothing: Except glowing and looking cool.
Atomic Kingdom of China
Commando Mingxia
- Action Girl
- Anime Chinese Girl: Complete with a classic Chinese dress.
- Dodge the Bullet
- Expy: Of Kenshiro and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
- Flash Step
- Hair Decorations
- Having a Blast: Takes Kenshiro's abilities to their logical conclusion by causing people to explode with lethal force.
- Martial Arts and Crafts: Jiao Li works by activating psionic potential.
- 90% of Your Brain: What Jiao Li is based on.
- Paper Fan of Doom
- Pressure Point: Can turn enemy infantry into bombs.
- Qipao
- Shout-Out: Her character artwork has at least 8 shout outs hidden.
- Walking on Water
- Why Am I Ticking?: Enemy infantry-turned-bombs.
- You Are Already Dead: Her motto.
Mediterranean Syndicate
Commando Minerva
- Cyborg
- Dark Action Girl
- Expy: Motoko Kusanagi and Molly Millions.
- Heart Drive: Her entire body, safe for the brain, is artificial.
- Razor Floss: Has monomolecular blades in her fingers.
- Street Samurai
- Wolverine Claws
Electrical Protectorate
Commando Venus
- BFG: Her gun is very powerful and can change itself according to target.
- Cool Shades
- Dark Action Girl
- Determinator: When reduced to 25% health, she gets REALLY nasty.
- Dressing as the Enemy
- Empathic Weapon
- Morph Weapon
- Person of Mass Destruction: The strongest commando in the game.
- Ridiculously Human Robot Woman: As the resident Terminatrix.
- Scary Black Woman
- Sunglasses at Night
- Swiss Army Weapon