Reborn (fanfic)
Reborn is a Crossover that merges elements of both Kung Fu Panda and The Crow. It starts in the aftermath of an alternate ending to Kung Fu Panda 2, in which Po dies when shot with a cannonball, and the Furious Five are taken captive, tortured, and over time, killed. Two years later, Tigress comes back to kill the ones who killed her and her friends in ways relating to how they killed the others of the Furious Five.
Reborn started, according to the author," as a "what if" that occurred to him when watching Kung Fu Panda 2 with a couple of his buddies, and they all asked the same question at some point while watching: "What would happen if Po hadn't survived that?". Shortly after watching The Crow for perhaps the umpteenth time, it hit him." The result is a story attempting to blend a grittier, pseudo-noir/gothic feel with the action that Kung Fu Panda is known for. The author agrees, however, that your mileage may vary.
It can be read here.
- Abandoned Area: An abandoned prison serves as Tigress' base of operations.
- Action Girl: Tigress, natch.
- Asshole Victim: While it cannot be denied that the killings are incredibly brutal, each of the "victims" deserves it, based on what rotten people that they are.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Tigress is not to be trifled with.
- Back from the Dead: Tigress, again.
- Because Destiny Says So: Tigress' spirit guides excuse for why she got saddled with avenging Po and The Five, as opposed to someone else.
- Big Bad: Shen, as well as his lieutenants.
- Darker and Edgier: Certainly darker than Kung Fu Panda 1 or 2.
- Evil Overlord: Shen, naturally.
- Fusion Fic: Of The Crow and Kung Fu Panda.
- Going Cold Turkey: This is revealed to be what kills Monkey.
- Healing Factor: All of Tigress' wounds heal almost instantly.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Chun. And Tigress, for purposes of revenge.
- Lighter and Softer: Than The Crow.
- Meaningful Name: Shinu means "to die" in Chinese.
- Psychic Powers: Tigress, as part of being a revenant, has psychometry.
- Rape as Drama: It is confirmed that Viper was raped and killed, and somewhat hinted that this happened to Tigress, although nothing has been confirmed.
- Ship Tease: There's a bit for Po/Tigress so far.
- The Mentor: Shinu, who shows up to talk with Tigress, and encourage her from time to time.