Reazione a Catena

Reazione a Catena (also known as Bay Of Blood, Twitch Of The Death Nerve, Ecologia Del Delitto...) is a 1971 horror film by Mario Bava. Designed as a comeback film after he lost his distribution deal with American International Pictures, Bava effectively created a film that has served as the blueprint for the Bodycount/Slasher genre of horror, with many of its sequences copied by other horror films (most notably Friday the 13th)

The film's plot is a convoluted "whodunnit", as people begin dying left and right during the course of a long weekend at the lakeside home of an elderly heiress. There are multiple murderers at work, as a slew of shady characters (and a quartet of sex-obsessed teens) end up dying in horrific fashion. There is also a Twist Ending that will shock you...

Tropes used in Reazione a Catena include:
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